Star Trek Online

You must have been playing a bit.

how on earth, theres a few high levels like this just steam rolling the game and it makes me wonder.. what will we do when we hit the endgame. I feel pvp is too restricted to make it last that long...

meant to quote the guy saying hes admiral :P
I really hate these people who have "x, y and z MMO experience". Most of his argument is that it doesn't run well on his PC - great, buy a better one. Just because it is a "quad core" doesnt mean it will run well. I have had no problems with everything maxed out.

This MMO will be around for a long time - it is Star Trek after all.

Just sounds like he wants to go back to EVE.

"Most of his argument?" I count four sentenses (About 1/5th) of a post that summarises most of my feelings.

Warning: Minor wall of text.

It's all very well shooting down someones argument with facts and honest opinions, but deriding someone for wanting to go back to a more polished and established game is immature. And there are plenty examples in this thread.

My problem is the game lacks depth. So you get a mission from someone, go out there, blow up a few ships, if you're lucky (Or unlucky?) beam down and kill a few NPC's, then warp back out and to starbase.

This would be fun if the missions were unique and "fun". As it is, the systems are generic; different organisation of the same pieces. Asteroids, derelict stations, asteroids with derelict stations on them, gas clouds, and a planet there for the sake of prettyness. In every single system.

The fact that you can't explore the systems makes things worse. There's a warp in point and a mission complete point. Beyond that there's nothing to do, and it would in fact surprise me if the actual map boundaries (The invisible walls!) go far beyond the "play area".

The ground combat is not fun. It's clunky, doesn't feel like anything is happening, at the moment extremely buggy (The amount of times I've seen the death animation, and the very next frame the person has just stood up and started shooting again is unreal). and whenever you get a loot drop with a new item the most excitement I can muster up is "'kay". Add to the fact that the game is so easy at the moment and it just amplifies that feeling.

The other problem is the overuse of instancing. This is down to two things imo - a lack of desire to spend much effort designing a trully open and free roaming space (Like EVE, which I recognise is a brilliant game, even if I cant get into it), and a lack of time, considering that Cryptic only acquired the license in early 2008. It is my opinion that a space MMO cannot feel like one without being open, without the possibility of being lost or feeling far from home, without the possibility of coming across something new and exciting (See previous two paragraphs).

Everytime I cross from one area of sector space to another (A trully unacceptable form of instancing due to the complete and utter lack of things to see and do, it's a glorified top down "map" for crying out loud, how much instancing does it need?!) I can't help but sigh as I realise that the same thing awaits me on the other side.

If the game has one redeeming feature it's the space combat. I do enjoy running circles around the enemy, strafing and dodging as I decide which weapons to use while frantically micro-managing my shields. It's just a shame that every battle is the same, and part of the same system "exploration" cycle.

I'm keeping my preorder as I got mine in back when a certain place had it at £18, and I have no doubt that there may be an enjoyable game here for me a few months down the line. But I won't be playing it until the game has matured and the first few content patches have been deployed. Bugs and lag are one thing, and remotely acceptible for an MMO this early in it's life. However things to do, and a general lack of feelings and ideals that make up what it is you're trying to emulate is not. The developers have promised stuff coming up, but not much of is beyond adding a few more sectors of space and adding a few more different types of ship to fight (There really isn't that much difference between the existing ones).

And please, don't take this the wrong way; as soon as they improve the general quality AND quantity of content, as well as hopefully reduce the instancing to trully make this feel like a space game, I'll be back there playing it as I LOVE Star Trek.

If you're finding the game fun, then great. Please, go in there and enjoy yourself, after all it's a game that lots of people have been looking forward to for a while. Personally, for me it's a massive disappointment in it's current state.

Thank you for your time. :p
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Warning: Minor wall of text.

I agree with everything you've said. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is the representation of the starships interior in the opening missions. Have the developers ever seen an episode of startrek ? They thought that starfleet would design their future ships with 12" tall crewmen in mind ?

The space combat is mediocre, the rest is a buggy mess with seemingly little thought put into it.

Star Trek Online, I am disapoint.

What's your /played time? When I played it took about 12 hours to get to L. Commander 1 (Lvl 11) and the first new ship. Just wondering if the time it takes to complete each rank increases much.

2 days 10 hours and the toon is still 35. The changes to PVP in last nights patch have pretty much buggered up getting to admiral anywhere in the next two days. What would have taken about 5 hours will now take probably 20 due to the amount of kills being increase to 40 and none of the captains queuing for it anymore until they change it lol. If there was more to do as a Klingon i wouldn't mind, but i'm certainly glad i'm not paying a sub for the game yet, don't fancy paying just to stand around as PvP is all Klingons have atm.
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Ah bugger.

Oh well gives me a chance to ask some questions!

Right here goes!

1. After you do the tutorial you are given a choice of bridge officer if you remember - right before you beam out of the USS Khitomer.
Thing is, after I select the bridge officer. I dont see his/her special abilities on the starship. What gives?

2. When browsing through the bridge officer list on space dock, whenever I highlight one, all I get is the title of the bridge officer but no further details.
(And then later on I mess around and then come back to the same "bridge officer seller" and for some reason I can now see in detail what each bridge officers skills/abilities are) what gives?

3. I purchased on bridge officer, but he doesnt appear in my inventory or anywhere, why is this?

Aside from that. Loving the game :)
Bo appear in the Ship screen (k) which can be appointed to a station, 4 stations on 1st ship 5 on 2nd and 3rd but you can have more BO on your ship and can use any for an away misson.
oh why didnt CCP take on Star Trek with the eve engine, i cant beleive that a new game looks so dated gfx wise already , i know its a MMO but where is the state of the art gfx and new gameplay , the game could have been so much more

I agree to a certain extent. I played a week of STO and I can see it getting stale very quickly. STO could have been so much more in depth. It would be so much better if it was like eve, in the sense that you warp from 1 place to the next rather than the warp-loading screen for a start (I know eve has jump gates for the loading screen but at least if gives you lots of freedom)

I don’t know, I just think this game really could have been something special but it just seems to lack depth and overall features.
"Most of his argument?" I count four sentenses (About 1/5th) of a post that summarises most of my feelings.

Warning: Minor wall of text.

It's all very well shooting down someones argument with facts and honest opinions, but deriding someone for wanting to go back to a more polished and established game is immature. And there are plenty examples in this thread.

So we are now accepting fiction and lies in place of fact and honest opinion? Somone should have informed me of this...

It just looks like a lot of people were looking for a game like EVE. STO was never meant to be anything like EVE (I am personally glad of this - I never liked EVE - too many people taking it way too seriously).
It just looks like a lot of people were looking for a game like EVE. STO was never meant to be anything like EVE (I am personally glad of this - I never liked EVE - too many people taking it way too seriously).

Spot on CR.

The way the game plays is very similar to many episodes I feel.
And I am sure the game will improve over time as content gets added.
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