I agree with everything you've said. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is the representation of the starships interior in the opening missions. Have the developers ever seen an episode of startrek ? They thought that starfleet would design their future ships with 12" tall crewmen in mind ?
The space combat is mediocre, the rest is a buggy mess with seemingly little thought put into it.
Star Trek Online, I am disapoint.
Yup, I've said this before, the scale of everthing is off, the bridge in the intro was just, when I saw it, basically told me exactly how crap the game was going to be from the off. Box room, no design, screen in a corner, completely empty room with tiny stations and space everywhere, then combat, and you're running through corridoors that feel like gigantic corridoors in a huge museum or something, not a tightly packed lack of space... spaceship.
Combat on planets/ships is awful, shoot, everyone bum rushes each other, boring waiting on shooting, hitting two buttons constantly as cooldowns expire. The reason its more fun in Lotro/Wow is the variety of things you can do, and how smooth and fun combat can be, if those MMO's had 2 attacks, those games would be dead after the included 30 days play time.
SPace combat, well, it really hasn't mattered what ship you're in, circling, fire, circling fire, shields down torpedo's, next target.
Instancing I don't really have a problem with, but as was said when the main area's are a pathetic looking top down map again with a bizarre scale, ridiculously slow and tedious traveling, its pathetic, the limited exploring is pathetic and the missions are boring as hell.
This is the fundamental part of it, so far, I've seen nothing story wise compelling me to want to do anything. They established a WOW type main theme of the game, two sides at war. But theres no main story taking you on a voyage to do something. This is the kind of game that was crying out for the Lotro treatment, with a huge expansive leading main storyline you get to damn well play, with great writing and dialogue, characters, and lots of decent smaller missions that are way above the level of, patrol 4 sectors for randomly generated generic missions you'll forget you've done once finished.
THe fact that it was built on a generic engine built for another game, that was total crap, killed it.
I've said it many times, Roddenberry could have ploughed millions into developement and had a WoW on its hands, instead they licenced it to moron's who have made a pathetically easy MMO that will make a little money and put off anyone trying a better startrek MMO in the future.
I'm just not sure theres a single driving force in the game. Wow has loot, and lots of combat abilities you constantly get new ones of. Lotro has that and a huge and good story with a lot of fun instances with great battles in. This has, no story, pathetically boring loot/upgrades, the abilities, are crap, minimal, boring, useless. The upgrades you get as you "level" up are, well, theres not even info on what half of them do. A simple bit of info like "Ship Energy weapons :- 10% extra damage per level" , how hard would that be. After playing to level 7 or something, I just have nothing pulling me along, I have no care about getting a new ship that will feel the same and act the same, story isn't making me want to do anything, awful repetitive combat thats been the same since fight one isn't making me want to level to get more and more exciting powers to make combat more varied and interesting. Nor is the challenge of a pathetically easy game making me want to improve.