Star Trek: Picard

The blue veiny makeup budget was off the chart in this episode :p

Star Wars need to hire the writer of this for lessons in remember berries.
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Nitpicking but I don’t get why they have the Star Trek splash screen, recap, “a CBS production” screen, 5 minutes of episode then the Picard title screen. Surely just combine them all at the start and bin the recap?

I don’t get why most shows have recaps anyway. I always skip them.

Watched ep. 9 twice today :D
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Nitpicking but I don’t get why they have the Star Trek splash screen, recap, “a CBS production” screen, 5 minutes of episode then the Picard title screen. Surely just combine them all at the start and bin the recap?

I don’t get why most shows have recaps anyway. I always skip them.

Quite. If I wanted to watch the episode again, I would. If I don't want to watch it again, there's probably a pretty good reason for that. Either way - quit with the recaps, they're pointless.

Watched ep. 9 twice today :D

I might have watched it again earlier as well :cool:
Loved it. Can’t believe Star Trek fans are getting what most Star Wars fans craved……

Covered in remember berries and fan service but I’m loving it.
Wonder how many cubes there are in the nebula or whatever, if that's a single cube it looks even more bulky than usual. Seems to be at least a couple. Hopefully not another single cube scenario thats already been done twice before.
lol dat memberberry pudding!! Nom nom nom!!! :o :D

God, that was so unbelievably dumb with how the ‘baddies’ did ‘the thing’ but the nostalgia was too strong for it to not be a heck load of fun.

I’m sure everyone said Picard’s last line of the episode at their TV :D

The old engines really got some glow to them :)

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So jack went somewhere, comp said somit about transwarp conduit, and then we see a borg in a nebula of sorts, that wouldnt be the transwarp hub place from voyagers final somehow restored now?
Yeah I was a little disappointed in the music choice there to be honest

I really thought an actual launch would have worked a bit better, lighting up areas of the ship like in tmp then seeing it pull out with some similar shots. What they did worked, though, if they had some mimicked some shots from tmp it would have probably caused spontaneous spooging worldwide,

There's one slight little editing "blooper" I picked up on when you see the enterprise side on and it goes inside for Picard to tell data maximum warp, engage, when they cut to the side on exterior view of the ship again its in exactly the same place and hasn't moved. When you watch it back and forth a bit it's kinda jarring as it was obviously rendered in a single sequence with the ship moving along and they never thought to have it further on. Just messing around quickly with it i think this works better vs it being in the same spot.

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Many shows will recap something that happened in a previous season to remind viewers about something pertinent to that particular episode.

Yup - I avoid them for this reason, they are ‘spoilery-foreshadowing’.

If a recap shows you a sentimental moment between two characters, it’s about to get tougher for them :p
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