Star Trek: Picard

Quite enjoying this series. I wondered when the old enemy would turn up.
Was hoping for a Shaw/Seven of nine spin off. Could still happen I suppose.

It'll be a mass transport. Remove the errant 'Locutus' DNA code from the transport buffers and then gain access to all the fleet's transporter controls (or a few of the more powerful ships) to run everyone that's still alive through them. Don't even need to beam them anywhere, just transport them in-situ.

Well, you know who will be coming back if a transporter job is needed.


Yeah i heard about how the F came about, some competition winner designed it. The E looked much better imo, shoulda trotted that out for a final appearance rather than a ship that according to the storyline is being decommissioned due to a computer bug(?), which will likely be resolved in the final episode.
What was the bit about not being able to use the E? It was shown being repaired at the end of Nemesis.
What was the bit about not being able to use the E? It was shown being repaired at the end of Nemesis.
Probably just a little script joke to imply that sometime between Nemesis and now, Worf was in charge of it when it got messed up.

Most people wanna see the D, right? That's the fan service nostalgia.
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I agree, I'd like to have seen that, but it might be a little difficult now that he's dead :p To me, it looked like clear signposting for a potential Captain Seven spinoff.
In theory, they could still have Captain Shaw turn up, holographic Captains Logs possibly, where they get to face each other in the Ready Room. Or possibly if Mobile Emiters are more frequent now, can be a hologram (engineer).
So, we're forgetting Jurati then and missing out huge chunks of what could be given the changelings are involved...

Sounds like I'm going to enjoy the last few episodes less than I could have done if they're rehashing old ground..
I like how they mentioned the borg hadn't been seen in over a decade lol totally forgetting season 2 of Picard

We don't know how long this is after season 2, the other soong is now dead so could easily be 10+ years. I would doubt they just forgot given the finale of season 2. Mayybe they don't consider the borg she's in control of to be "borg" anymore.
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So, we're forgetting Jurati then and missing out huge chunks of what could be given the changelings are involved...

There were only something like 10 changelings involved, between some of them being blasted, the decompression on the titan bridge and the shrike being destroyed, that seems to account for them all.
I was hoping for Picard to take out Kirks Enterprise :)
It was clear from what they were saying that they were expecting to get into a firefight, which means they needed a ship that was "fairly" up to date (able to take punishment and dish out some if needed). And Kirks Enterprise is a bit too out of date at this point. That's why they were talking about the other ship Worf "was not at fault at" as well that they couldn't use (or they would have, and would have explained why it wasn't in consideration in an earlier episode).
It was clear from what they were saying that they were expecting to get into a firefight, which means they needed a ship that was "fairly" up to date (able to take punishment and dish out some if needed). And Kirks Enterprise is a bit too out of date at this point. That's why they were talking about the other ship Worf "was not at fault at" as well that they couldn't use (or they would have, and would have explained why it wasn't in consideration in an earlier episode).

Aw c'mon! They could have easily explained that away with fitting 'upgrades'! :) Enhanced shields, weaponry etc.

However, Picard Captaining Kirk's Enterprise may be too much for fans to accept.
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Aw c'mon! They could have easily explained that away with fitting 'upgrades'! :) Enhanced shields, weaponry etc.

However, Picard Captaining Kirk's Enterprise may be have too much for fans to accept.
Well, we saw back in DS9 that whilst upgrades can happen, you still lose out when the firefight starts and your ship design is basically not able to take the hits. That's why the Lakota was basically a gun boat at that point, able to throw the damage out, but not really able to take the same in return; it was at the limits of the Excelsior Refit design (Power generation, space for the upgrades, and ship strutural layout for integrity under fire). Constituion-Refit vs Sovereign is going to be a no contest on who can tank the incoming damage without plot armour. Otherwise, the A will win by not having shields and Kirk beaming over bare chested to engage hand to hand with everything and still win. :)
Probably just a little script joke to imply that sometime between Nemesis and now, Worf was in charge of it when it got messed up.

Most people wanna see the D, right? That's the fan service nostalgia.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I prefer the E but that’s probably networked into the fleet.

I want 7 of 9 to take out Voyager too.
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