Star Trek: Picard

Shame CBS want to milk this by releasing one episode a week. I get the feeling the whole thing would be a lot more enjoyable binge watched. I may actually just wait and do that.
Just watched the first 2 episodes.

Damn... This is good.

[edit] Kind of regretting starting it when only 2 episodes are available... I want to binge the lot now.
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Shame CBS want to milk this by releasing one episode a week. I get the feeling the whole thing would be a lot more enjoyable binge watched. I may actually just wait and do that.

There's pros and cons with both approaches.

We've all been through them before so we know the deal. Releasing each week not only forces people to stay subscribed to a particular service for an extended period of time, it also gives people more time to talk about stuff. However, this is only good if you've got something worthwhile on your hands. Mandalorian was this in spades; no one was going to not stay subbed whilst it was coming on every week. And everyone talked about it because of the titular character.

But then again, if your product is only average at best, dropping them all at the same time will give people more likely a chance to drop in a one time shot at the sub for the chance to watch it all in one go to keep people on.

Personally, I think Picard just about makes it into the first category at this time after seeing Ep 2 for myself and not just pestering a friend for descriptions of what happened. Although I agree that I do wish it was available all in one go.
Has he changed his tampon in the last few months? Seen a few of his vids and it's just bitch bitch bitch, usually focusing on a small negative and barely acknowledging the positives.

Probably realised that negative videos tend to get way more hits than positive videos. Everyone likes to see someone rant it seems.
The races in Trek are dead easy.

Andorians - blue with antennae
Bolians - blue without antennae
Breen - the guys that wore refrigerated suits in DS9
TOS era Klingons - Genghis Khan types with no honour
TNG era Klingons - feudal era Japan types with forehead ridges, obsessed with honour
STD era Klingons - weird looking things with four nostrils and no honour
Borg - not Swedish
Humans - generally a-holes
Q - all a-holes
Vulcans - pointy ears, no emotions but a robust sense of humour
Romulans - pointy ears, robust emotions but no sense of humour
Cardassians - like the offspring of human-dinosaur sexy times
Jem'Hadar - also a bit dinosaurish
Gorn - actual dinosaurs
Ferengi - capitalists with large ears
Betazoids - humans with telepathy
Bajorans - religious humans with jewellery and nose ridges
Orions - sexy green humans
Trill - got a slug inside them, and spots that go all the way down

That should get everyone started :p

Haha :D Nice descriptions.

Mmm, Peyton List.

That is all.

I thought it was her when she walked in but by the of the scene was convinced it wasn’t her.

As for the episode, I enjoyed it but not as much the first. This episode seemed exposition heavy and so removed any of the subtlety that can be implied by not spelling everything out.
The races in Trek are dead easy.

Andorians - blue with antennae
Bolians - blue without antennae
Breen - the guys that wore refrigerated suits in DS9
TOS era Klingons - Genghis Khan types with no honour
TNG era Klingons - feudal era Japan types with forehead ridges, obsessed with honour
STD era Klingons - weird looking things with four nostrils and no honour
Borg - not Swedish
Humans - generally a-holes
Q - all a-holes
Vulcans - pointy ears, no emotions but a robust sense of humour
Romulans - pointy ears, robust emotions but no sense of humour
Cardassians - like the offspring of human-dinosaur sexy times
Jem'Hadar - also a bit dinosaurish
Gorn - actual dinosaurs
Ferengi - capitalists with large ears
Betazoids - humans with telepathy
Bajorans - religious humans with jewellery and nose ridges
Orions - sexy green humans
Trill - got a slug inside them, and spots that go all the way down

That should get everyone started :p

I'll add:
Horta - sentient piles of rock, call a bricklayer not a doctor if injured. ;)
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What ship is Picard going to end up on? I’d literally jump up and down if they brought the Enterprise E back. Episode 3 is meant to be great.
I'm half expecting him to end up on something like a (theoretically) decommissioned and salvaged Jem'Hadar patrol ship or a salvaged defiant class complete with rebuilt cloaking device ;)
Basically something small enough to only need a limited crew, and probably not quite legal with dodgy paperwork showing it was safe for sale to civilians as it's no longer registered as a fighting ship, just ignore the phasers and galaxy class deflector shield array, they're there because it's used for mining.

I doubt he'd manage to use the Enterprise if Starfleet command were not happy with him, unless it's captain was a friend and willing to go against orders.
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