Star Trek: Picard

There was an episode of the next gen that featured a witch hunt for romulan agents on the enterprise was there not? maybe this series will have some kind of connection to that plot line too.
Was always disappointed the episode "Schisms" in tng never got a follow up, it was left open for one but it never happened. Alien abduction and experiments etc.
I do like how the writers are tieing in different themes and references to older series, it shows to me that they're trying to make a good story linked deep within the established history and lore, it shows they care; not just coming in with their own agendas trying to tell their own story which happens to be set in the ST universe.
This series does not fit well with weekly releases. The story seems better suited to binge watching as I imagine it’s a single story spanning the entire, or even multiple series.
I agree, I think the convoluted, cobbled together plot might make more sense if watched in binge fashion. Alternatively just ignore the plot and see if the show improves later on, it might get a little more exciting/interesting, best not taken too seriously as its hardly 'can't miss' TV.
I enjoyed the episode, it was nice to have a bit more character building tbh.
I do hate it though when they have to turn well respected individuals of the fandom, into the 'deluded guy', they did it with Luke in SW and now Picard - really not a fan of that at all.
No, he's like that in his recent interviews too. I fear his age may finally be catching up with him.

Fair enough, I've not seen any promotional stuff for this with him or recent interviews.

As far as the series is concerned I'll give it another couple of episodes, but i also think as has been mentionned, that a binge watch might be better
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