should you not also play it on Amazon Prime (even if it just in the back ground) so that Amazon can see that you watched it, see it has good viewing figures and keep on buying it
should you not also play it on Amazon Prime (even if it just in the back ground) so that Amazon can see that you watched it, see it has good viewing figures and keep on buying it
Given what Picard had just seen done to Darj, you'd have thought they'd be a bit more careful about standing directly in front of the Romulan having a chat.
The fumbling the food to duck a shot was very cliche.
I too hope that the housekeepers stay in the rest of the series. In fact, showing a certain amount of being captured by the story, I was very much hoping they would beam up with Picard because they'd all just been told that the chateau was going to be attacked again.
I'm not a massive trekkie. I commit the cardinal sin of quite liking the reboot films even. I'm rather enjoying this so far though.
I thought they would too. Are they also the same section as the ones that attacked, as it looked like they could take care of themselves. Also wasn't sure how that woman Agnes managed to get a gun although the quote made me chuckle.
what do you mean about the continuity, what else has that guy been in (I've not been keeping up with this thread).
If you have a way to watch legally yet you download it illegally, especially on streaming services that you pay monthly for without adverts, is it really still pirating?
If you have a way to watch legally yet you download it illegally, especially on streaming services that you pay monthly for without adverts, is it really still pirating?
I wouldnt have thought so, though I'm sure the networks have their own interpretation of that. Most likely they would argue that having a digital copy on your hdd means you won't buy a physical copy if/when it's made available.
I wouldnt have thought so, though I'm sure the networks have their own interpretation of that. Most likely they would argue that having a digital copy on your hdd means you won't buy a physical copy if/when it's made available.
Yeah, but the argument there is sort of null & void if you are already a paid prime member as you've effectively already paid to see it. I don't see why they are not releasing things simultaneously worldwide nowadays.
Back more on topic, I loved Episode 3, especially the way they ended it.
Yeah, but the argument there is sort of null & void if you are already a paid prime member as you've effectively already paid to see it. I don't see why they are not releasing things simultaneously worldwide nowadays.
Back more on topic, I loved Episode 3, especially the way they ended it.
The biggest issue is these non-simultaneous releases.
When I get up in the morning, usually one of the first articles on google is a spoiler filled title of a program I like to watch. If they dont want people to pirate they have to do a simultaneous release so social media and the news outlets of the world dont ruin the shows for people.
The biggest issue is these non-simultaneous releases.
When I get up in the morning, usually one of the first articles on google is a spoiler filled title of a program I like to watch. If they dont want people to pirate they have to do a simultaneous release so social media and the news outlets of the world dont ruin the shows for people.
problem most are not taking in, is that amazons etc get the rights air picards etc as long as it air 1 hour after it broadcast on Tv Channel, it doesn't take US Steam Service's into account. but considering that the official day of releases in the uk is Friday but we getting the episode Thursday night at 23:00 on the dot to watch. would simultaneous airing solve problem possible but it logistically not possible to pull off.
Something has to pick up soon, im always going to watch it but so far its just pootling along at warp 3....
I dont quite get this whole Romulan setup, they have military/scientific jurisdiction over this cube but they seem to invite "anyone" along to study it.
Im really not a fan of all these drones and hovering things that seem to be in the background of nearly every bloody romulan/federation shot.... Doesn't seem very Star trek at all.
When they were talking in the corridor, I was expecting her to give him an inappropriately passionate kiss on the mouth, just so I could get that "eeeewwwww" moment, but they just teased it instead. I hate his emo haircut.
They have fallen into the trap of casting the British as baddies. Apart from Picard but he's supposed to be French. These Yanks hate the fact we stole their tea or something.
Holograms/holodecks can use forcefields, so they can appear solid, manipulate real objects, etc. Anywhere there are hologram emitters, they can also use forcefields. It's been pretty much canon ever since they put the first holodeck on TNG.
Holograms/holodecks can use forcefields, so they can appear solid, manipulate real objects, etc. Anywhere there are hologram emitters, they can also use forcefields. It's been pretty much canon ever since they put the first holodeck on TNG.
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