Star Trek: Picard

Romulan Legolas and "JL" rofl..... ah jeez Rick...

Why would he call her 7 of 9 and not Annika lol
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Rather depends on the name she chooses to go by, doesn't it? Maybe she rejected the idea of being Annika Hansen.
Pretty sure at end of Voyager they went into this as she was pooping her self about living amongst Humans.

20 years later shes ment to be integrated and speak more fluently, like a real person :p
"Hi im 7 of 9 uni-matrix tertiary adjunct of whatever"
i wonder how they will spin this. They better give them a back story together, maybe they met and had "we were assimilated" counselling together.

Jonathan frakes directs ep5.....
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Lol was the first thing I said to myself. He stood out hilariously.

I have to confess that I am struggling with the show. I enjoy it but - this doesn’t feel like the Picard I once knew and loved. The show just feels ‘off’ in ways I can’t describe yet and it always seems to take forever to get somewhere....and then the sodding episode ends!

I feel this too, I sometimes think to myself it's the compassion that Picard has for others, it just wasn't there in TNG or other endeavours.
He didn't come across as strong confident Picard in the romulan pub fight. He came across as hopelessly lost tourist, ripping down their cute Romulan only sign, weird thing to have on a romulan only planet, and constantly saying hello, like it was the only word he knew and then screaming waiter like an entitled British tourist.

Also Chandler Bing woman from the Daystrom institute. You seems to be there like a comic relief almost, Chiming in with one liner quips, Could I be anymore not like a scientist.

Very annoying and feels very forced from the actress.

Del Monte suit - laughed when i first saw it, but didn't realise it was a nod to a previous episode, so fair enough!

Ep 4 was a little too slow, but the story is moving forward - very much building up his crew before commencing battle.

I'm disappointed that Picard seems to be hated by most and disgraced at Starfleet/Federation. So all his previous work seems to be for nothing and he was living out his days a bitter and twisted old man - not very fitting for his legacy :(
This thread was moving so fast yesterday that I couldn’t keep up at work.

That loony Dr. Jurati won’t be smiling when that whiney Romulan Elrond/Legolas decapitates another person! She’s too chipper!
Right, Im calling it, it's a god awful show with the worst writing iv seen in years, as bad as the disaster that is discovery.

They need to fire these ppl rapidly as I believe most are the same production team.

I absolutely love star trek as well so I am very disappointed.

1) the story line is absolutely crap, they have some how made nothing happen but pulled 4 episodes out, ep 1 was 'ok' since then it's been trash.

2) due to the story line they have achieved the impossible of me not caring one bit about what happens, including to my fav ST captain of all time - Picard

3) Sir P Stew is a national treasure, I think he's great but I'm sorry to say, when will he start playing picard in this show? He's been absolutely awful, not seen one part of the man yet, it's just P Stew as himself almost, not Picard at all.

4) On top of awful writing, it's dumb writing, how many times can they say 'he' before seven beams in? When in star trek ever have they said that? Never is the answer.

5) the writers have no idea what star trek is, it's like a bunch of jocks trying to write and make scifi because they think it's cool now and totally miss the point.

6) utterly failed to capture the essence of star trek.

I had such high hopes with Stewart being back on board but so far it couldn't have gone any worse. Terrible, I'm almost not bothered if I don't see another episode.

Sure, long story arcs are different to TNG, but they have done it terribly, its dull pointless and boring. Long story arcs done right are amazing - Battlestar Galactica for it's not the new format that's the issue here.

To get my star trek fix I'll have to keep watching The Orville - fantastic show that's way more star trek than this or discovery will ever be.
I agree with @Combat squirrel, I'm done with this series also. It's poor on so many levels, some big some not so much, that I can't forget about them while trying to watch it.

The pacing is all over the place, the lighting is bad, too dark, too many lens flairs, the story is bizarre and doesn't really make much sense.. A pair of 'androids' cloned from a positron, why a pair?, that are flesh and blood? They are not clones, they are not even copies, they've taken a positron and made something different - not much to do with data, how did he know to paint a picture(2)?.. Then the science bit in the kidnap room? WTF - it was handy to look back in time from positions of molecules?

So many plot points that don't make sense that I'm not going to go into it - but won't be answered. But from the start with the squad that tries to kidnap the first one.. Why not teleport her out? Why the need to put a bag on her head? Just doesn't make sense at all.. Kurtzman is a hack, even a fraud, not a creative but he 'steels' and 'borrows' 'ideas' from all over the place.. Elnor? Elrond of 'Lord of the Rings'. Not so subtle messaging for current day politics, refugees bad, starfleet bad. JL.. Shows nothing but disrespect to trek and Picard but they think it's trendy..

I wanted for this to work, but all I see is plot holes, plot contrivances, plot mcguffins, and little in the way of answers. Ok it's only 4 eps in but it looks like that it's be done similar to discovery, through lots at you and answer little, action instead of writing a good story.

And another I just thought of, why ban androids and leave the EMH's functional? They can be hacked too can't they? At least keep the premise straight, if not them the rest will be a contrived mess - as I suspect it will be.

All the women are powerful, super competent characters, the men, apartt from Picard, are bumbling idiots and canon fodder. The same as discovery with Michael.. I'm really not liking it.

I will come back to it at the end of the series run, but to be honest I think this series is total crap so far. Good writing can do wonders but this show doesn't have any it seems. The need to fire Kurtzman and his team and get in PROPER scifi writers, people that care that the stories is at least consistent and makes sense, it doesn't for me. It can still be rescued but it looks, to me, that the trajectory is locked, the politics, sjw'isms - no thanks. He will bankrupt CBS if he is allowed to produce more programs like this. I heard he wants to do a section 31 series, a Clarice starling series, hanible Clarice, and more, he needs to be stopped. I hate him, he's like JJ Abrams where he doesn't explain much an throws lots at you in 'action sceens' so you don't have time to question things - just to cover that he sucks.

Wow, that was a ramble..
I look forward to watching it. The only thing that's a bit jarring to me is my feelings for Stewarts delivery, his age is showing.
I know he is old obviously and so would Picard be so it's fitting to the character, plus Stewart is an excellent actor. However throughout the show I find he seems like whilst speaking, he's struggling to breath. It's odd
It's not that bad is it?
I mean it's a veneer of startrek over a random sci fi show.
I'll give it the rest of the season but it's like the new star wars trilogy. I'll watch it once and forget it.
It's sad that that most shows/films these days I find myself logging into read just negative stuff and agree. They just fail so hard to recapture what made the old so good, the story and the characters. Picard and Discovery just haven't got anything going for them in that department yet.

I'm still going to watch everything just to check something good happens, which could still easily come. It's only ep4.
Watched episodes 3 and 4 today - looking forward to seeing where it’s going now that the crew has seemingly been assembled.

“JL” is so weird though - it’s not quicker to say than Jean-Luc?! So why say it!!!

Also my accents are probably well off, but I’m sure the new Romulan was going to stick a shrimp on the barbie a few times :p
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