Star Trek: Picard

I love how he manages to scrape together a video from a single line in an episode. Picard is set 20+ years after the events of Nemesis, for all we know the Romulans had a Cybernetics program that was shut down after the events of Nemesis. They did make a variation of Data after all that played a role for Shinzon in those events.
No more weird than 'www' being longer to say than 'world wide web' ;)
You type World Wide Web in your address bar? :p

I know my point didn’t make a huge amount of sense, it doesn’t have to be shorter, but it just sounds particularly odd for Jean Luc!
I think JL is just a reversed power dynamic thing from the minds of modern writers.

Where Picard referred to Riker as his no.1 now we have a strong confident black woman refering upto her Captain with a cute nickname, because we all know she must be shown to be as equal as her superior, a white old man.

Oh sorry I think my brain was suddenly overtaken with idtenity political mindworms, it's ok now.
I think JL is just a reversed power dynamic thing from the minds of modern writers.

Where Picard referred to Riker as his no.1 now we have a strong confident black woman refering upto her Captain with a cute nickname, because we all know she must be shown to be as equal as her superior, a white old man.

Oh sorry I think my brain was suddenly overtaken with idtenity political mindworms, it's ok now.


*Spock eyebrow*

I think you're possibly reading a bit more into it than is actually there :p
God, i swear my English is getting worse everyday. I hope that means my Swedish is improving in its place...
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The hologram says a line at the helm then the scene is repeated almost like a dejavu, I rewound slightly and it was still present, it ruined the end of the episode for me.

It's at 41.50 - 42.00 you can tell as the actors mouths are moving and there is no audio dialogue

Rewatching the copy I *ahem* obtained now.

41:50 - RIOS - Where did that come from?
41:56 - RAFFI - No ID, no transponder
41:59 - EMMETT - Hideous ship
42:02 - RIOS - Magnificent pilot

And then they slice the BoP's starboard nacelle off.

Sooooo...where is this error then?
If I had to describe this episode in one word, it's "flat". Stuff happened, but I didn't really care much about it.

The only bright spot was Seven-Of-Nine finally putting in an appearance for about five seconds.

And what's with Picard in the bar? He goes in there to make trouble a few minutes before he leaves, he seems to fail to understand why Romulans would hold a grudge against the Federation and him in particular, he starts a fight, is within a inch of getting killed before someone dies directly because of his actions, and then has the cheek to get angry with the Romulan elf for killing someone to save his life. What an idiot. That's not Picard. That's someone with the really klunky name of "Jay-Elle".

So we've now got a sword wielding elf, but that's not super useful in a universe full of ranged weapons.
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re: Picard in the bar - I think that was more his sense of righteousness getting annoyed at the 'Romulans Only' sign and overriding his smarts for a minute or three.

re: the 'sword wielding elf' - one of the Romulans does lampshade that right before Elnor and Picard beam up, saying that a sword is no match for a disruptor.

Besides, using bladed weapons in a galaxy full of rayguns hasn't done the Klingons a great deal of harm all these years ;)
Rewatching the copy I *ahem* obtained now.

41:50 - RIOS - Where did that come from?
41:56 - RAFFI - No ID, no transponder
41:59 - EMMETT - Hideous ship
42:02 - RIOS - Magnificent pilot

And then they slice the BoP's starboard nacelle off.

Sooooo...where is this error then?

Soooooo I watched it on Amazon which has an add at the start, sorry for not accounting for your "version".

Find the scene the hologram appears at the healm which is slightly before the point you mention and it's after that, the repeat begins with Dr, Jurati you will see her mouth move but no audio dialogue.
Soooooo I watched it on Amazon which has an add at the start, sorry for not accounting for your "version".

Cool your jets :)

Find the scene the hologram appears at the healm which is slightly before the point you mention and it's after that, the repeat begins with Dr, Jurati you will see her mouth move but no audio dialogue.

Watching it from the moment the Bird of Prey warps in firing. Cuts to inside the La Sirena, Rios starts engaging in his fancy flying to evade the BoP. Camera pulls out to a wide shot of everyone on the 'bridge'. Back to outside, BoP firing disruptors at the La Sirena which evades the beams, comes about and flies past. Back inside, camera on Picard's reaction as Rios gripes about the targeting system on the BoP being lousy but he's worried about the planetary defence net. Raffi says "just get us the hell out of here". Back outside, defence grid is firing in true imperial stormtrooper fashion i.e. hitting sod all. Cuts to the bridge again, the computer announces that shield strength is down to 80-odd percent, Jurati asks if they can outrun the BoP. Rios says maybe not but he can outfly it. Then another hit, and he calls for Emmet. He appears at tactical, tells Rios to fly while he shoots, computer announces that weapons are online. They score a couple of hits on the BoP which returns fire. Emmet observes that they're getting pushed towards the planetary defences. Rios mumbles 'you gotta be kidding me'. Jurati looks concerned. Emmet gives Rios the range to the defence drones. Rios notes that he appears to have given up shooting anything, then tells everyone to hang on as he does some more fancy flying. The computer announces that power is being rerouted to thrusters, then to intertial dampeners. They take another hit, Emmet grouses about them being too close to the defence net. In comes Seven's ship between the La Sirena and the BoP. Then the scene plays out like I posted above. BoP's nacelle goes, it gets a shot off that badly damages Seven's ship, she requests (presumably in text form as we don't hear a voice comms channel open) a beam-out and is transported aboard just as her ship gets kersplatted against the defence net.
Cool your jets :)

Watching it from the moment the Bird of Prey warps in firing. Cuts to inside the La Sirena, Rios starts engaging in his fancy flying to evade the BoP. Camera pulls out to a wide shot of everyone on the 'bridge'. Back to outside, BoP firing disruptors at the La Sirena which evades the beams, comes about and flies past. Back inside, camera on Picard's reaction as Rios gripes about the targeting system on the BoP being lousy but he's worried about the planetary defence net. Raffi says "just get us the hell out of here". Back outside, defence grid is firing in true imperial stormtrooper fashion i.e. hitting sod all. Cuts to the bridge again, the computer announces that shield strength is down to 80-odd percent, Jurati asks if they can outrun the BoP. Rios says maybe not but he can outfly it. Then another hit, and he calls for Emmet. He appears at tactical, tells Rios to fly while he shoots, computer announces that weapons are online. They score a couple of hits on the BoP which returns fire. Emmet observes that they're getting pushed towards the planetary defences. Rios mumbles 'you gotta be kidding me'. Jurati looks concerned. Emmet gives Rios the range to the defence drones. Rios notes that he appears to have given up shooting anything, then tells everyone to hang on as he does some more fancy flying. The computer announces that power is being rerouted to thrusters, then to intertial dampeners. They take another hit, Emmet grouses about them being too close to the defence net. In comes Seven's ship between the La Sirena and the BoP. Then the scene plays out like I posted above. BoP's nacelle goes, it gets a shot off that badly damages Seven's ship, she requests (presumably in text form as we don't hear a voice comms channel open) a beam-out and is transported aboard just as her ship gets kersplatted against the defence net.

I really hope you didn't type all that out and the context of my post matched yours so I have no idea about the cooling of anyone's jets :p

Anyway I made a ghetto vid of the scene here you go
lol that is weird AF...

What else is weird is that everyone else but "JL" and Daystrom Lady sometimes dont react to being hit by disruptor fire and the hard evasive manoeuvres, they just sit there looking lost lol.

it doesn't happen on my version tho encoding error maybe?
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"JL" is really grating on my nerves every time that woman says it. This just feels cheap and that everyone is just reading their lines. Comically over the top British baddies, they should both have handlebar tashes which they should twiddle.
lol that is weird AF...

What else is weird is that everyone else but "JL" and Daystrom Lady sometimes dont react to being hit by disruptor fire and the hard evasive manoeuvres, they just sit there looking lost lol.

it doesn't happen on my version tho encoding error maybe?

No idea, I can repeat the scene as many times as I like and the same thing happens, I'm watching it through my LG TV app.

I didn't notice any of that due to the jarring error :(
I dislike the use of "JL" over Jean-Luc, simply because the amount of sylabels is identical in both instances.

It's different if I start calling Bartholomew Allen "BA", because it shortens it down. Seems redundant here.
It goes from bad to worse, I think this was the worst episode so far, mind-numbingly boring. They couldn't even pull off a decent battle at the end of episode. The scenes with Soji and whatever his name is, and whatever his name is and his sister are some of the worst scenes I can remember, toe curlingly bad. Standout bad was the romantic slippy slidey scene, jesus christ wtf was that? :D

Even as a non-Trekkie when Raffi calls Picard "J-L" its so obviously out of place. The whole thing is completely flat, there's no drama, there's no excitement, there's no intrigue, suspense or humour to lighten the load. Any time Stewart isn't in screen it dies on its arse, there isn't another relatable, convincing or likeable carachter in it outside of JLP. The scientist woman, Elnor (lol!) where did they get this guy from?, the ship's captain (yawn!) and the hospitality hologram, are all completely forgettable and Raffi in particular is incredibly annoying (was she always like this in past Trek?), please dump her on a planet and leave her there.

I think if you're into ST you might get something out of this but from an outsider's POV it's almost as bad as The Expanse S1, which I could not get beyond 6 episodes with. I'm gonna keep watching just see where it goes.
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To be expected now, anything that Harry Treadaway is in turns about to be utter utter crap.

Shame really Stewart is awesome as an older Picard and I hate the J-L stuff, that in itself is a Travesty.
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