Star Trek: Picard

As soon as Picard said "Engage!" I had a big belly laugh and punched the air. That's the Star Trek I love! Although I'm now in a quandary because I barely watched any of Star Trek: Voyager and don't really know all the ins-and-outs of Seven of Nine. :(

You better get watching then, binge it and you should be ready for Picard, you'll need to know 7's background I think!
Wonder what Enterprise will show up at some point, Enterprise E would be pretty long in the tooth by that point.
Starships are designed for decades of use. Unless the E was destroyed in battle, it will still be in service.

It would be 30+ years old by then, the original Enterprise in Trek 3 was considered to be at retirement age before it got stolen to look for Spock and it was 30. Though that might not apply to TNG era.

Probably just easier to use the existing Enterprise E 3d model than create a new design anyway.
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It would be 30+ years old by then, the original Enterprise in Trek 3 was considered to be at retirement age before it got stolen to look for Spock and it was 30. Though that might not apply to TNG era.

Probably just easier to use the existing Enterprise E 3d model than create a new design anyway.

Either way, id love to see a badass next gen Enterprise F
Should use an Enterprise-E or at least the Soverign Class for a few scenes in the series. That ship didn't get its due on screen to be honest. Also, Galaxy class had refits and major refits, so lets see what the Sovereign could be like as well. Or even a surviving Enterprise-E that gets downed or retired in the series, showing how well it stood the test of time after Picard left. It needs its own send off to be honest. But I don't really care which ship comes on, just happy to see the TNG era of Trek back. :)
It would be 30+ years old by then, the original Enterprise in Trek 3 was considered to be at retirement age before it got stolen to look for Spock and it was 30.

Nearer 40. 2245 to 2285ish. Though YMMV on whether or not the ship was Trigger's broom after the refit before the first film.

Oh, and if you do accept that the "USS Enterprise no bloody A, B, C or D" was the same ship from TOS to TMP, then do please go ahead and try to make the notquiteEnterprise from STD work as a precursor to the TMP ship. Hint - you might have an issue with scale ;)
Oh, and if you do accept that the "USS Enterprise no bloody A, B, C or D" was the same ship from TOS to TMP, then do please go ahead and try to make the notquiteEnterprise from STD work as a precursor to the TMP ship. Hint - you might have an issue with scale ;)

Psst, nobody cares :)
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