Star Trek: Picard

i want to watch a journey , not a 45min storyline.

picard is a journey and i loved it.

it was only 8 episodes right?

i was in tears by the last episode, thats how good it was. one of the best tv shows i watched last year

That's the problem with tv shows these days, a lot of them do the same format of having a storyline stretched out over the course of a season and you end up with episodes where virtually nothing of importance happens.

The whole finale of Picard was a massive SHART with the Federation ctrl-c ctrl-v fleet showing up, the much hyped "evil AI" being nothing but random tentacles that never get a chance to do anything, and the MASSIVE convenience of ol Slaphead just happening to be in the right place at the right time when his illness kicked in to get his consciousness transferred into another body that "just happened" to be available.

The final episode was written like they realised they had to shoehorn a bunch of stuff in that they neglected in other 9 episodes.
Do we need to have season long story arcs? Can we not go back to actual trek where the majority of episodes were self contained? The Dominion war was the obvious exception to that but even that has plenty of self contained episodes. Just seems like they go for a long storyline so they can add a load of filler that nobody cares about.

It's become the modern way. It'd be nice if they could go back to longer seasons and treat it the way DS9 did with the Dominion War overarching story or even the mini-arcs dotted throughout (the conflict with the Klingons, Bajoran politics, Prophets vs Pagh Wraiths...) where they were the setting for stories rather than the whole story.

I don't think you'll ever see a TOS again where the story was 'ship and crew are exploring space in the future' and that's it. Or even a TNG where there were character arcs (Data's quest to be more human, Worf trying to regain his family's honour, Picard becoming more open, Troi becoming useful :p) but no overarching storyline beyond 'ship and crew are exploring space in the future-future'.
as said many times, I'm a huge TNG fan.

Picard was absolute garbage. I knew it was going to be different, but different didn't have to mean crap.

The entire season had peaked after the first 15mins of episode 1. It was all downhill from then.

I think the possible storylines from the first few episodes paved the way for what could have been a very, very, interesting show.

Why did assimilating a Romulan cause the Borg ship to be ejected from the collective? Why is there a secret society of Romulans fanatical about stopping AI? Could it be linked to the same reason the Borg rejected a Romulan host? Could we be about to find out something very interesting about Borg origins and early Romulans?! Well, no, no we won't. And almost none of the other tantalising possibilities amounted to much either.

The promise of the early episodes and Patrick Stewart will be enough to see me back. That and the proper send off for Data, much better than leaving us wondering if b-4 will just wake up one day as Data mrk2.
I just hope if they're going to weave a story arc it doesn't end up as meh as the last one.

Also, the sfx team are amazing - same as on crappy discoball. But give them time to do their work so we don't end up with copy paste fleets and get some proper direction for action shots. I'm bored of seeing starships zip around like fighter planes dogfighting in atmosphere about 5 metres from eachother.
The colossal Borg cube emerging from warp was one moment they nailed.

Also, bring back the Romulan housekeepers. And number 1.
I think the possible storylines from the first few episodes paved the way for what could have been a very, very, interesting show.

Why did assimilating a Romulan cause the Borg ship to be ejected from the collective? Why is there a secret society of Romulans fanatical about stopping AI? Could it be linked to the same reason the Borg rejected a Romulan host? Could we be about to find out something very interesting about Borg origins and early Romulans?! Well, no, no we won't. And almost none of the other tantalising possibilities amounted to much either.
The borg cube storyline seemed very muddled, i don't even recall who it was meant to be attacking at the time or if it was even mentioned. It was just sitting there for some reason :confused:
Discovery was not great, but far better than this.

That's funny. I mean, diff'rent strokes and all that. But I don't recall Picard ever having quite as stupid a plot point as the Federation handing control of a World Ending Bomb™ over to an enemy and trusting it to luck that nothing would go wrong. It did, of course, but fortunately the writers had forgotten about the bomb by that point :rolleyes:. Nor did Picard have a moment where - in order to not disrupt the already set-out timeline any more than it already had been - the writers decided that "well, we just won't mention those characters or that ship in continuity again" even though one of those characters was the adopted sister of ******* Spock.

While I'm thinking about it, I can't remember anything in Picard that was as face-meltingly awful as "all the dilithium in the galaxy went boom because a child was sad, only some of the dilithium didn't go boom because [reasons] which we'll never explain". And Picard didn't feature a starship that's, at most, 475m long but with interior space rivalling a Borg cube. That one may seem a rather minor point but given how easy it would have been to avoid it I think it bears a mention.

It wasn't a perfect season of TV by any stretch - weak villains, telegraphed plot twists, cheap death of characters for 'drama'. But to call it worse than Discovery? Puh-leez.
Why did assimilating a Romulan cause the Borg ship to be ejected from the collective? Why is there a secret society of Romulans fanatical about stopping AI? Could it be linked to the same reason the Borg rejected a Romulan host? Could we be about to find out something very interesting about Borg origins and early Romulans?! Well, no, no we won't. And almost none of the other tantalising possibilities amounted to much either.

The borg cube storyline seemed very muddled, i don't even recall who it was meant to be attacking at the time or if it was even mentioned. It was just sitting there for some reason :confused:

It was assimilating Ramdha who had already lost her mind to the Admonition that damaged the Borg Collective on the cube and caused it to be cut off.

Memory Alpha said:
Ramdha was a passenger on the Tal Shiar's Imperial scout ship Shaenor when it was assimilated by a Borg cube. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning", "Absolute Candor") The force of the Admonition's wake in Ramdha's mind caused the cube to undergo a submatrix collapse that severed it from the Collective. (PIC: "Broken Pieces") She was eventually reclaimed by the Borg Reclamation Project. Like the other Romulan xBs on the Cube, which became known as the Artifact, she was left disordered after being recovered from the Collective. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning", "Absolute Candor")

Also, bring back the Romulan housekeepers. And number 1.

Definitely :cool:
I thought the dilithium that went boom was any that happened to be in the engine of an active starship? I may be wrong, as I honestly stopped giving a **** about the dumb plots and ended up watching it for the visuals.
Picard was terrible, laughable compared with TNG quality

But still not as bad as Discovery

Discovery was bad....Picard was even worse though

Not even Patrick Stewart could save it. He did say one of the reasons he agreed to come back was that he was allowed to influence the storylines. Maybe he's to blame.

Where's Rick Berman these days?
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