Star Trek question!

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
nelsby said:
Is it true that the actress who played Dr Crusher used to be a porn actress? Or is this an urban myth?

Google says no, shes had a mad career. was a coreographer(sp? lol) in Labarynth the mad Jim henson David bowie film :O

YTMND has deffinately done more for Patrick Stewart than the RSC ever has/will.

have you heard the Picard/Riker love scene type one?
29 Jun 2004
iCraig said:
W Crusher: Gay, without a shadow of a doubt.

Seven of Nine: Set phasers to stunning. Made the series, sexy, funny and defiant towards Janeway. <3

Exactly! W Crusher! WTF does he wear on Enterprise? It's so damn revealing! :D

And Seven of Nine. CORR! I watched Voyager because of her.
And Tom Paris is hillarious!
I disagree with Data though. He was as funny as heck!

EDIT: What movie did the Enterprise crash under the hands of Troi?
Man of Honour
14 Nov 2003
iCraig said:
Not many characters I like.


Picard: Was alright, bald though.

Data: Condescending, arrogant pleb with skin like he has liver failure. Was better in the movies though.

Worf: Rubbish.

Troy: Annoying voice. Think's shes it, despite crashing the Enterprise D.

Crusher: Annoying, self riteous. Thinks shes attractive, but she isn't.

W Crusher: Gay, without a shadow of a doubt.

Riker: Best character, knew what to do. His head went at a funny angle when walking around the ship though. Rike-angle?

La-Forge: Blind moron, likes Wesley only because he's gay like him.

Fat transporter chief: Boring, fat and lazy. Does he ever leave that sodding transporter room?


Janeway: Know it all and sexist. Obsessed with blowing other peoples technology up.

Chakotay: It's the 24th century, drop the ancient tribe ****.

Black spock: Arrogant and a sore loser.

Paris: Best character, funny, witty and a cool pilot.

Kim: Another gayer, follows Paris around like he's his boyfriend.

Tores: Would be attractive if she didn't have a spine for a face. Guess shes good at other stuff though, like building stuff.

Neelix: Talking ferret.

Seven of Nine: Set phasers to stunning. Made the series, sexy, funny and defiant towards Janeway. <3
That actually made me LOL. :D Good stuff (and true)

chuckles again at Rike-angle :D
24 Feb 2004
Picard was definitely the best character in TNG, not because of the part itself but because Stewart is such a great actor he basically moulded the character around himself and carried the series on his shoulders. All the other characters were a bit two-dimensional (at least to start with), but the synergy created in the scenes where they interacted with Stewart's character made them grow - Data being the most prominent example (and to a lesser extent Worf, who also had the funniest moments in the series!). Patrick Stewart was to TNG what Leonard Nimoy was to TOS: just a great actor who played a believable character and thereby made everyone else more believable simply by standing next to them. It's what they call 'star power' I guess.

That's what the other series lacked tbh: a brilliant actor to act as a focal point and a node for the development of every other character. Not that I've seen much of either DS9 or Voyager, but that's simply because there wasn't that one focal point to grab my attention. When they started bringing TNG characters over to DS9 this became most apparent: Worf was such a stereotype, almost a parody of himself, without Picard around. Voyager also lacked it: Janeway came close (I couldn't help but like her caffeine-fuelled neurotic obsession with blowind things up!:D), but again, she lacked the 'star power' to truly pull it off.

Case in point: the Picard Song :D
20 Apr 2004
eXSBass said:
Okay. I'm not a Trek fan but it makes good enough TV when nothing else is on.

The Federation always get their arses kicked by these state of the art spaceships that have a cloaking device. I.e. The Klingons and Vulcans and Romulans etc.

Why doesn't the Federation adopt this technology?

And, whats the difference between the Vulcans and Romulans?

Thanks :D

they do have a cloaking divice in the USS Defiant which in it self has the same firepower of ship much much bigger , and would beat a Intrepid class (voyager) and give a Constitution class run for it money as it faster and more agile. they got this cloaking divice from the romulans in return for all info they could get on the Dominoin in about season 5 of deep space i think , but they can only use it in the gamma quad and not alpha. now bare with me here , the Defiant class ships are classed as a escort ship but unofficaly is a Warship to fight the borg but the project was cut short as there was to much firepower in a little ship and it would tear it self apart , even thogh a irish enginner from DS9 got this thing running nicley.

why do the feds not have any warships ? its not there "thing" war , the federation is there to explore. and ther ships disign reflect that hence why i think they gett a battering when get into fights. and so that answers the 1st question.

the Vulcans and Romulans were and are the same race relay just very eraly on (like 100's of years b4 spock days) i think it was just two seperate groups of thinking and or ways of life , my detail on this is limited , and they went there seperate ways.

I m more of a ds9 fan dispite 7of9 apreaing in Voager when i was 14 ,

PS met Mr Data the otherday back in Feburary managed to imbarres my sister infornt of him told him she loved the little lifeform song from generations lol
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20 Apr 2004
SiD the Turtle said:
Use of cloaking devices within the Federation is prohibited under the Treaty of Algeron.

Edit: Oh and Romulans are Vulcans who left Vulcan after the Vulcans shed their violent ways and embraced logic instead. My god I'm such a geek.

i rember now!
20 Apr 2004
Amp34 said:
I thought enterprise was a warship?

A small question, why can enterprise split in two? Is that for when it's at war?

Enterprise is not a warship its there flagship ie going to new world blah blah blah , and so need to look after it self if they meet some1 not to nice , there was a ship in a ep of Voyager that could split into 3 , the enterprise-D (picards 1st enterprise ) could split into incase of things like the warp core was going to blow up then they could put every 1 in the top section and fly away m slowly
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7 Mar 2005
Amp34 said:
I thought enterprise was a warship?
It's a starship, the Starship Enterprise.

Remember the opening sequence, "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyagers of the Starship Enterprise, its continuing mission to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no one has gone before"?

See here.

Amp34 said:
A small question, why can enterprise split in two? Is that for when it's at war?
Yeah I think so. Doesn't the saucer bit become for the civilians so they can evacuate and be rescued by some other Federation gang. The bottom bit has the warp engines (Yeah baby!) and some kind of battle bridge that never seems to have any lights working apart from the red alert flashing ones.
16 Apr 2004
Moredhel said:
Yes but it also went at "warp 13"

Enterprise didn't do Warp 13, I thought it was Crusher's ship, the USS Pasteur? It was Crusher that said it the Warp 13 quote.

Besides, that was one of many alternate futures, and because they closed the temporal anomaly, it didn't happen.

(I've not talked about Trek for years, it's amazing how much you remember :D )
20 Apr 2004
Alasdair said:
Enterprise didn't do Warp 13, I thought it was Crusher's ship, the USS Pasteur? It was Crusher that said it the Warp 13 quote.

Besides, that was one of many alternate futures, and because they closed the temporal anomaly, it didn't happen.

(I've not talked about Trek for years, it's amazing how much you remember :D )

theres not 1 ship that can go past warp 9.9 , borg can go faster with trans warp gates , not sure why you can't all i can remmber is the OGS crew in a bird of prey going round the sun ay 9.9 to go back in time
25 Jul 2005
MarcLister said:
It's a starship, the Starship Enterprise.

Remember the opening sequence, "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyagers of the Starship Enterprise, its continuing mission to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no one has gone before"?

Ah yeah good point, so i suppose its a bit like 16-17th century ships, Armed with cannon to protect themselves from others. :)
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