Star Trek : Strange New Worlds

1x05 - Spock Amok

Memory Alpha said:
It’s a comedy of manners when Spock has a personal visit in the middle of Spock and Captain Pike’s crucial negotiations with an unusual alien species.


The Good

Anson Mount. Love the speech he gives to 'Spock' (actually T'Pring), a pity that T'Pring will have forgotten it/rejected it by "Amok Time".
Spock's nightmare sequence at the beginning. A rare look into his almost-schizophrenia regarding his human half, something that wouldn't truly be resolved until TMP...or maybe even the talk with his father after the trial in the 4th film.
Nice to see April again.
Also nice to see one of those TOS background ideas popping up again - the Federation and the Klingon Empire in competition with each other over bringing other races to their side. Aside from a caveat that I'm sticking in with The Kurtzman.
I like how Gia Sandhu as T'Pring pronounced 'Spock' when speaking in Vulcan exactly the way the Kolinahr high master pronounced it in TMP.
Both Gia and Ethan Peck did solid jobs playing the other's character.
Rather fond of how the R'ongovian captain, having stormed into the briefing room, immediately shifted attitudes once he was talking to a jovial fellow captain in Pike. A fun conceit, that continues to be played with later when they'll only speak to Spock...because it turns out that they practice a kind of "radical empathy" and take on aspects of whoever they're facing to better negotiate with them. Which is why they were so rude to the Tellarites before Pike and Spock entered the negotiations. Pike figures this out, plays the hunch hard and wins.
I liked that the Vulcan concept of "v'tosh ka'tur" (Vulcans without logic) got namechecked.
The VFX of the R'ongovian solar sail vessel. Simply gorgeous.

The Bad

I was right that the ship would be all back together again by this week even though it had taken enough damage to reduce it to scrap last time out. Still, not a first for Trek so I'll let it slide this time. Does beg a question though - even ignoring the fairly wild changes made to the design for STD/SNW just how much of this ship is actually the Enterprise as it was built in 2245? A huge chunk got taken out of the primary hull in STD's season 2 finale, then last week the ship was left with more hull breaches than actual hull and both nacelles looking distinctly second-hand. At some point Trigger's Broom/Ship of Theseus comes into play! It's even mentioned at the end that there's a hull plate on the primary hull that is the oldest unreplaced bit of the outer shell of the ship - which, of course, is right in a spot that was annihilated by the torpedo in the STD S2 finale, so isn't even that old.
I really am pretty sure that "Amok Time" strongly implied that Spock and T'Pring hadn't seen each other since childhood. I don't think it ever outright stated it though, which has given them the 'out' to show them together in this show. Still, doesn't sit brilliantly with me.
I'm all for having different story strands in the same episode, but this one felt a bit overly crammed. You've got the negotiations with the R'ongovians, Chapel's commitment fears (amusingly, in-continuity she'll go from this to being engaged to Roger Korby in less than two years), Spock and T'Pring relationship issues, Spock and T'Pring body swapping (an unwelcome return to Brannon Braga-style plots, thought we'd seen the last of that with ENT), La'an and Number One doing whatever the hell they were doing, shore leave...

The Kurtzman

La'an Noonien-Singh :rolleyes:
During April's briefing he notes that the R'ongovians are now in talks with the Klingons - fine, all well and good - and also the Romulans aren't far behind. *record scratch* Hol' up. The Romulans??? The race that retreated back behind the Neutral Zone following the Earth-Romulan War almost a century previously and won't actually be seen again in-continuity for another seven years? The Romulans who the Federation knew almost nothing about until that later encounter? FFS showrunners and writers, all you had to do was not mention them...and you couldn't even manage that.
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Spock fight - liked the inner turmoil, was that the TOS fight music?

No 1 sidelined to another silly story. She came across much better was she was No1 in Discovery. Now she's the one that needs saving and now she is wanting to break the rules. She is wasted atm :(

The stupid force field thing at the end! Walking across the hull of the enterprise? Where were they getting oxygen from? Why bother with space suits ever again if this is a thing? Has this been done before? It looked ridiculous. Space and the solar wind ship looked amazing though.

Deffo seemed like they are setting up Ortega and Chappel.

Poop on the head made me laugh.

Good episode, just a few minor whinges again :)
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Pressurised forcefield i'd imagine.

No different from having a shuttlebay door open & the air not escaping.
Disagree, they have oxygen pumping around the ship, the forcefield just keeps the oxygen from escaping.

I guess they would have the oxygen contained from when they first created the external force field - but how long would that last? Must have been a large field.
Disagree, they have oxygen pumping around the ship, the forcefield just keeps the oxygen from escaping.

I guess they would have the oxygen contained from when they first created the external force field - but how long would that last? Must have been a large field.

Why can't you pump an atmosphere into a space? Whether that be physical or a forcefield is irrelevant.
Even if the forcefield protected them and they had oxygen, im wondering how the heck they got around it being -270 degrees c or whatever the temp of space is and they didnt freeze to death.
Hah great ep, Chapel is great as well. Also, she slapped Spock, never thought I'd see that happen hah :D
Why can't you pump an atmosphere into a space? Whether that be physical or a forcefield is irrelevant.

There was no machinery seen and as above there is the issue of the temperature too.

It's sci-fi, i know, it just looked a little ridiculous when you think about it.
There was no machinery seen and as above there is the issue of the temperature too.

It's sci-fi, i know, it just looked a little ridiculous when you think about it.
Scotty managed to transport 2 humpback whales and around 10,000 tonnes of water into a Klingon Battle cruiser, I can't imagine an atmosphere inside a forcefield which also maintains a steady 20'C would be a technological struggle.
Scotty managed to transport 2 humpback whales and around 10,000 tonnes of water into a Klingon Battle cruiser, I can't imagine an atmosphere inside a forcefield which also maintains a steady 20'C would be a technological struggle.

That example does not hold water (lol). You actually see the crew making the holding tanks on the vessel ready for them to be beamed into.

If they used transporters for their space walk, then you are saying the transporters provided oxygen and temperature etc.
Is this episode supposed to be funny or something? They seem to play a lot a jaunty music at points. I am finding this highly cringe worthy and juvenile. They are trying to be cute with some of the characters but I just am not invested or interested in any of them.

More cringe: "People are idiots, you're fun"
White male boyfriend is side-lined, is butch lesbian going to munch some of her pasty? Probably as this is woke trek.
Heavily female centric episode again.

Spock now switches places with his girlfriend with hilarious consequences? It is like an Abbot and Costello show in the way it's not funny but trying to be.

Tiny little weak looking woman knocks out a man twice her size with a little slap I take it back, this is hilarious after all.

Spock screams again. He does this quite a lot in the new series.

This, like Picard series 2 has gone into a steep decline in quality since the first episode.
Is this episode supposed to be funny or something? They seem to play a lot a jaunty music at points. I am finding this highly cringe worthy and juvenile. They are trying to be cute with some of the characters but I just am not invested or interested in any of them.

More cringe: "People are idiots, you're fun"
White male boyfriend is side-lined, is butch lesbian going to munch some of her pasty? Probably as this is woke trek.
Heavily female centric episode again.

Spock now switches places with his girlfriend with hilarious consequences? It is like an Abbot and Costello show in the way it's not funny but trying to be.

Tiny little weak looking woman knocks out a man twice her size with a little slap I take it back, this is hilarious after all.

Spock screams again. He does this quite a lot in the new series.

This, like Picard series 2 has gone into a steep decline in quality since the first episode.

It is dumb. Some of the comments from the crew of the bridge are just ludicrous. Compete cringe and not fitting of what's going on around them.

All style over substance yet again. The braindead will lap it up though.
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