Star Trek : Strange New Worlds

Just watched episode 7. What a wild episode.

I didn't love it but it was entertaining.
It came across like an old school 60s trek episode.. way over the top, campy characters that can barely act, the cringe jokes and outlandish scenarios (the cooking).

I don't know if that's what they were going for but its a complete 180 on the previous 6 episodes that it feels like an intentional thing.
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These are giving strong nods to the old Treks and that may well be a good thing. Sure the style is not fitting in with what we expect in the 21st Century, but it's still fun, which is what they were back in those days too.
1x08 - The Elysian Kingdom

Memory-Alpha said:
The USS Enterprise becomes stuck in a nebula that is home to an alien consciousness that traps the crew in a fairy tale.

A plot that seems straight out of the old school Trek playbook.

The Good

Nice little interplay between Pike and Spock early on.
Also liked that Hemmer got some more lines that weren't simply snarking at another crewmember. Especially after he was completely MIA last week.
It was about time we had a full-on costume piece in SNW, a Trek tradition from way back.
Though he wasn't Pike for much of the episode runtime this week Anson Mount remains brilliant. He had some genuinely fun dialogue as Sir Amand Rauth, a very different character to Pike.
As soon as Spock-as-Wizard Pollux said that there was a secret route I knew it was going to be a Jefferies tube :D
For anyone wondering - no, the writers didn't make the Boltzmann brain thing up though they have somewhat mangled the idea. It's a very old thought experiment.

The Bad

Can't say "La'an Noonien-Singh :rolleyes:" this week for "The Kurtzman" since Christina Chong never actually appears as her! Instead, she played...whatever the hell that was. At least she wasn't present for the entire episode.
Can't help but feel that the SNW team wrote themselves into a corner with the whole 'M'Benga's daughter is sick' subplot and the ending here was the only way they could figure to get out from underneath it. Best that can be said is that it's done now. And at least it had some kind of emotional weight to it.

The Kurtzman

At the beginning when they find the ship is stuck - did they seriously have Ortegas stand up just so she could get knocked down? There was no reason for her to stand, she could operate the controls perfectly well while sat at her station. And plenty enough characters have been thrown out of their chair on Trek before now, so story-wise there was no need for it. HELLOOOO, EARTH TO SNW WRITERS, SANITY-CHECK YOUR WORK BEFORE YOU HAVE IT FILMED!!!!


@something daft already!! - it wasn't as bad as arknor makes it out to be, IMO. Better than some of later Trek's 'trapped on the holodeck' plots (VOY's "The Killing Game" springs to mind :rolleyes: ).
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Generally this is solid.
Several. Episodes in and a few very good. Most OK. None I've hated.

I'm happy with it.

Pike and spock carry the show. Which is no bad thing. A few decent others, nurse Chapel I like and the grumpy one.

Number one is so weak and my biggest disappointment. Not really sure what she's doing. Apart from filling a slot.

It's cheesy, it's silly, it's not over the top PC like discovery, it hasn't got Michael in it (I couldn't stand her, or to her things she's been in).

But I think it's good attempt at going back to old trek but modernising.
It's been pretty safe in terms of the content so far, mostly forgettable but nothing awful.

But I skipped episode 7, Sorry but a skinny dude in makeup in weird sexy flanders style outfits is not very appealing, sure, I'll remember what I watched of the episode.... but for all the wrong reasons, unwatchable episode for me.

TNG did this better as it wasn't sexualised in a weird camp way, I guess it's safe for their new target audience which in fairness haven't been traditional Star Trek fans for a while now.

Episode 8 had will hopefully be better.
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TNG did this better as it wasn't sexualised in a weird camp way

Yes, TNG never did weird camp sexualisation.



Initially I wasn't sure about this one, but I warmed to it. Not the conclusion I'd expected, previous episodes seemed to be pointing toward another resolution.

To be fair, the only thing of note I can remember about that episode is them sniggering at him for wearing the native garb.

And the blond bird..
To be fair, the only thing of note I can remember about that episode is them sniggering at him for wearing the native garb.

And the blond bird..

Exactly, and rightfully so because it was a funny outfit, but traditional male attire for the world they were visiting. I've seen much worse in 80/90 scifi shows.
Honestly, as soon as the costumes appeared, I was like "Oh no... It's one of those episodes". I guess it's somewhat in Trek tradition, but it just wasn't in the same league as the likes of "I am NOT a merry man!" **.
Was glad when it ended, as well as terminating the sick daughter storyline, although it might have been nice to get a cure at some point.
I also get the same "Oh God" feeling every time we get one of those journey inside someone's mind episodes.

**Yes, JRS, I know that's not the name of the episode :p
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Honestly, as soon as the costumes appeared, I was like "Oh no... It's one of those episodes". I guess it's somewhat in Trek tradition, but it just wasn't in the same league as the likes of "I am NOT a merry man!" **.
just needs a musical episode and this season is a complete masterpeice
I suspected from the very first scene what this was going to be. Made it as far as the opening credits, then skipped to check it was like it all the way through, it appeared to be, so I'm out. Another unwatchable and terrible episode. With such a short season they cant afford to have so many stinker/filler episodes.
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