In his few scenes, Anson Mount remains the single best thing about this series.
Much like the old Enterprise team of TNG/Picard it's nice to see an actual starship crew on Star Trek, instead of the collection of neurotics that STD gave us.
Pelia, played by Carol Kane and the chief engineer on the Enterprise for this season after Hemmer's death, is shaping up to be a fun addition.
VFX teams remain on-point, as do the makeup department. And - joy of joys! - the Klingons look rather closer to Klingons* than whatever those things in STD were.
Writing and dialogue mainly great. The plot that kicked the main story off (a combination of 'peace is bad for business, so make war' and false flag operations) is an evergreen one, but this felt like a worthwhile take on it to me.
Neat directorial and camera choices abound.
Interesting direction to take M'Benga's character. Much more interesting than the 'daughter in a transporter buffer' deal from last season.
At least we got something approximating a proper D7
instead of this.