Star Wars. 4 5 6 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 4 5 6?

1-3 were not great (concept fine, execution poor) but 4-6 were far from flawless. Lets face it the films are one of the worst parts of the Star Wars brand.
Oh I agree, doesn't mean it's the best. The acting isn't great, the dialogue is wooden and they are ridiculously cheesy at times (droids, gungans from prequels, ewoks from originals)
You would be a fool to watch them in the order of 1-6. This would essentially destroy all the twists and turns of the original films (4-6).
Luke finding out Vader is his father, Leia is his twin sister etc. Knowing all this before hand would be like reading the best parts of a book.
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4,5,6 - 'cept for the whole Ewok unpleasantness they are what Star Wars is all about.

The prequels are just an utter disaster, with The Phantom Menace frankly one of the worst big budget films ever made.
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