Unlocks at 3pm today if you Korea VPN it.
ooh , I might have to take a quick trip there this evening!

Unlocks at 3pm today if you Korea VPN it.
I can't wait to see how badly this flops. It's going to be Hardline all over again lol.
Unlocks at 3pm today if you Korea VPN it.
Does that actually work?
I purchased on a Mexican VPN and activated the download on Origin on a Mexican VPN, but it still shows the unlock date as 19th November (European release)
You and me both Josh, after Titanfall and BF Hardline it's got to be 3rd time lucky...
The Star Wars brand coupled with the new film should help.
If not EA/Dice need to don some armour, because the incomming flack from Star Wars fans will be something else. You can't make a rubbish AAA game with the Star Wars brand, not unless you are an idiot. The size of the fan base alone will make them millions!
If not EA/Dice need to don some armour, because the incomming flack from Star Wars fans will be something else. You can't make a rubbish AAA game with the Star Wars brand, not unless you are an idiot. The size of the fan base alone will make them millions!
does the vpn need to remain on to play once unlocked?
Why did the ATAT need to be nerfed?
Did you not see any one with half a brain racking up a 20+ kill streak with ease in a matter of minutes?
When I played the alpha, using the aircraft + ATAT, I could easily go on 30+ killstreaks within 5 minutes.
Did you not see any one with half a brain racking up a 20+ kill streak with ease in a matter of minutes?
When I played the alpha, using the aircraft + ATAT, I could easily go on 30+ killstreaks within 5 minutes.
On maps like Hoth, there is just no cover from the vehicles unless you are inside the base.
It makes for a good star wars experience.... but it ruins the gameplay imo.
I have no problem with OP gadgets/vehicle/guns being in a game, however, they NEED to require some thought/tactics to using them i.e. like jets in BF, so OP but only in the right hands and even then you can't rack up a 30+ killstreak in a matter of minutes.