**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Yep, it's great fun, visually stunning and is hated for all the wrong reasons.

I knew it! I always said why all the negativity about this game, glad to hear it's good just as a I expected, can't wait to play it.

Yes because 1 persons opinion means that the game isn't a failure for many other people..... :p Also, give it a month or 2 ;)

But on a more serious note, we all have different tastes and requirements for games, just because some find it enjoyable doesn't mean that others will and as for the "wrong reasons" comment, once again, we all have different opinions, just because you like it and others don't doesn't mean that the latter are in the wrong and vice versa. The reasons people have for "hating" it are just as valid as the reasons that people "enjoy" it.

Thing is though many of those things are counterable with smart play and/or teamwork but most people don't want to put the effort in.

I don't really include the AA in there :P the MAA can sit on the edge of a map as a 1 man infantry wrecking machine which runs counter of what BF4 is supposed to be about and also IRL you'd struggle to use it in that way while configured for anti-air work. Though that said when my brother and a couple of friends are on we can totally wreck the MAA's day with a javelin/target paint crew but try getting randoms to do that...

Wait, this has teamwork?!


Yes, if you get a team that surround the hero i.e. shoot him from all sides then he won't last long but any one with some idea of what they are doing won't let that happen or/and will use their block/counter move wisely

Even with some co-ordination in bf 4 against the AA, someone with good tactical awareness etc. can still ignore the javelins etc. Just ask anyone who has been in my tank in bf 4 about the amount of lock ons, ucavs, jet rams etc. we get :D And that is the annoying thing about the aa in bf 4, anyone with decent accuracy can sit in it and rekt across the map but get someone who is a good player in general i.e. map knowledge, mini map awareness etc. that push up with the infy and/or other vehicles equipped with zunis, they can completely decimate the enemy team even more, be it aircraft, infantry, LAVs and even tanks.
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I'm not stating this is the best game ever, I'm just saying it's brilliant fun. If the longevity becomes a problem then so be it.

If your a Star Wars fan it probably adds to the experience ten fold, if your looking for the next counter-strike this isn't it.

I won't force my views on anyone, I just give honest feedback based on what I've played and so far it works !! no bugs, no crashes.

I'm willing to bet that half the people who are expressing their dismay at the game will no doubt buy it and enjoy it for what it is ;)
Yes because 1 persons opinion means that the game isn't a failure for many other people..... :p Also, give it a month or 2 ;)

Yup you can't please everyone. I loved the beta and I'm glad the first comment about the full game was positive. I'm sure it'll be great for me as well, I don't expect the world and everything in it from a video game like a lot of people, so I highly doubt I will be disappointed in the finished product.

1-2 months down the line I get bored with most games anyway, that's the way it works... for me anyway.
Just got back from Hong Kong. It's nice at this time of year. Now packing for a trip to Endor. :)

Me too, lovely.

Game runs better for me than the beta (not that it was bad before but it seems to run just about as fast as BF4 now). Looks amazing :D

Edit: OK slight exaggeration now back to hoth (ugh) and its more like the beta was now. The lava planet (only played last few seconds of the round) ran better for me.
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My main question is, if it weren't for the star wars skin/theme, amazing graphics.... would you still enjoy the game?

TBF, I think the game could last a bit longer than a couple of months due to star wars having such a large fan base as well all the hype currently with the upcoming film.

I probably will buy it when it's a bit cheaper i.e. £20 as I am also a massive fan of star wars and badly need a new shooter game and unfortunately aside from overwatch, nothing else appeals to me in the slightest :(

I am glad to hear that it runs well etc. unlike most recent AAA titles that we have been getting.... How is performance on Endor compared to Hoth/Tatooine?
How easy is it to play with others on the same team given the lack of server browser? This makes or breaks the game for me in many ways and will play a part in longevity.
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