I wouldn't be surprised if there was a card/special perk or whatever they are called for an aimbot! Maybe the next DLC pack will have that
I think there is a card which makes you more accurate for a set time
Stop taking it so seriously Nexus, it's not BF!
- add some recoil, spread to the weapons, again, it doesn't have to be CS:GO, BF 3/4 levels of recoil/spread
- either remove 3rd or 1st person view, anyone using 1st person view is just putting themselves at a huge disadvantage
- keep heroes to their own game mode
- remove the special perks for the handicapped players i.e. that wall hack
- slower reload time for grenades and the other cards
- reduce the damage spread for the ATAT's and slower reload time for their special ability
- remove the stabilisers for the aircraft/ground vehicles i.e. the auto lock on and arcadey floaty feel of them, they don't have to be like BF 3/4 aircraft where it takes a lot of time to master them i.e. 313 speed, target lead etc. etc.
If SWBF was a real BF game set in the star wars universe, loads of people new to gaming probably wouldn't look at it. Add to that, the loss of sales of BF5 as we would all be playing SWBF instead.
I just can't help it, I was so looking forward to this but they have dumbed it down far too much and as a result a lot of the stuff they have implemented ruins the game completely imo. The wall hack is the biggest **** take, what's the point of shooter games if you have a system that highlights everyone for you, it removes all tactics, map knowledge etc. out of the game and tbh even makes the good map design rather worthless too. Could you imagine what BF 3/4 would be like if it was present....
In all honesty, they might as well add a perk that does the aiming for you.
A lot of people say that its star wars and it's not suppose to be BF etc. but DICE/EA only have to make a few simple changes and it would still be very different to BF, COD etc. but have more longevity as well as being better for gameplay imo i.e.
- add some recoil, spread to the weapons, again, it doesn't have to be CS:GO, BF 3/4 levels of recoil/spread
- either remove 3rd or 1st person view, anyone using 1st person view is just putting themselves at a huge disadvantage
- keep heroes to their own game mode
- remove the special perks for the handicapped players i.e. that wall hack
- slower reload time for grenades and the other cards
- reduce the damage spread for the ATAT's and slower reload time for their special ability
- remove the stabilisers for the aircraft/ground vehicles i.e. the auto lock on and arcadey floaty feel of them, they don't have to be like BF 3/4 aircraft where it takes a lot of time to master them i.e. 313 speed, target lead etc. etc.
- implement a better squad system, no reason why they couldn't have just used BF's system for this
I can appreciate people that don't want a reskin of BF 4 or the next CS:GO in terms of having some skill ceiling but the changes above wouldn't make it a hard game to get to grips with.... If people "need" a built in wall hack to do well then I don't think shooter games is their type of game.
I haven't been this annoyed/disappointed in a game since alien colonial marines
Personally I'd have been happy with a re-skinned updated engine BF, but it's not the BF vets this game is aimed at.
There are more and more people taking up gaming on PCs, consoles and tablets, and the publishers want a range of titles to suit different tastes and abilities. If SWBF was a real BF game set in the star wars universe, loads of people new to gaming probably wouldn't look at it. Add to that, the loss of sales of BF5 as we would all be playing SWBF instead.
Remember Star wars is now a Disney franchise, they will have stipulated as part of the licence that the game should be a gore free game which could be sold to a younger audience who may not have the attention span of a seasoned gamer.
Having said that, if BF5 is similarly dumbed down, then my toys will be exiting my pram at high velocity!
These features would eliminate all the casual players that the franchise would otherwise attract. As much as I agree with your view on what should be included to make it a more tactical game there is way too much money to be made from a "Star Wars" game especially with a movie coming out and the fact that Disney now owns the franchise.
It's fun, that's all you need to know Nexus, so just buy it!
What peeved me about this is 3rd person, Is there a hardcore mode to stop it? Basically some tool is running about on Youtube saying there is no recoil or flinching and the like. Yet it looks stupid from a POV and animations perspective. How would i be able to enjoy the game in first person? Or would i have to bite my nails and just put up with these scoreboard at all costs idiots? I believe a shooter should always be in firstperson and if the fov is a problem buy Ultrawide for god sake.