**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

I've been playing this through the week, and I definitely think there's a good game underneath there - it just needs Dice to be reactive and help with the fixes etc.

Feel the same, having lots of fun despite the flaws and lack of maps. Hope Dice listen to the player base and make the changes and the sooner the better, don't want another Titanfall /BF Hardline.
Sad but so true :(

Unfortunately with Disney and EA being the way they are + the huge success of this game so far.... I can't see DICE being allowed to make the changes that we want to see.
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Yeah up for trying that out tonight as well as flight squadron, supposedly it is the best for getting credits.

I had a go with Flight Squadron last night, and it was extremely enjoyable. One of the best things about the game (for me) is that it's very much pick up and play - it's just a shame EA/Dice didn't cater at all for the PC crowd who do want things like a server browser or to change some of the game modes (1st person only/no heroes etc).

2 issues:

- anyone get audio popping/crackling?
- gamma/brightness and graphics messed up (could be due to AMD drives like always :p)



Both issues are random.
Nvidia here and never had any issue with gamma/brightness. Haven't noticed audio popping but to be honest I've been too busy dying to notice anything else :(
Yeah the audio issue seems to happen mainly in the menus, seems to be affecting an awful lot of people, supposedly switching to CD 16 bit fixes it but cba with the faff of having to change that every time I close/open the game :p

Think the gamma/brightness issue is down to AMD drivers and those ice maps.
I love how in a game the guy with 60 odd kills is giving off about the team "sucking" when he has completed zero objectives. :rolleyes: Then again the game is geared to the KD masturbatory society with it being the be all end all on the end game score board.
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