Looking to buy this now for my boy who has become a huge Star Wars fan.
Question is I appreciate there is no SP campaign but is there a mode with bots?
For a serious gamer the single player modes have no longevity past a few hours however my 4 & 5 year old boys absolutely love the skirmish and survival modes - they could play it for hours if I would let them be on my PC for that long!
Perfect, that's what I was after. My 4yr old will love it by the sounds.
It's my go to shooter although now that I've strayed to learn k&m I have bought bf1
Even with a controller and old man reactions I can get a positive k/d in battlefront due to tactics.I hate bf1 lol I gave it a go and have played 50hrs on multiplayer on it but just don't like it, imo its the worse battlefield ever! its more like a large scale cod, a twitch shooter, I'm LOVING star wars though, its funny how a game like star wars is much more tactical than a battlefield game, I never thought I would be saying that lol