**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

My gut says they will screw this up, however...

If - and it's a big if - they could make BF3 in a Star Wars skin then it would be good. My concern is they won't, they will screw it up.
I am seriously hoping that it isn't just a reskin of BF 3 otherwise it will be a big fat fail in my eyes! (just know that it will be though :o)
Wonder if it will be like that sw mod for cod 4 mw? Not that i like cod but it didnt look too bad the mod if i remember right.

Since there not making a dedicated engine for it i wonder if progress will be sped up in that regards and get us the game a year or two sooner rather than later. As i dunno what engine the past devs on sw bf 3 used but took em bloomin ages i think.
It could be a re-skinned battlefield 4 for all I care. It's basically just battlefield in third person in space anyway.

Can't see how they could screw this up. This is personally the best gaming announcement in a long time for me! Between this, Starbound and DayZ Standalone I shall be a very happy man.
Dont think its gona be set in space afaik bf1 and 2 were ground based or was there 1 space based map?

But yeah generally its gona be a copy and paste of bf3 or 4 with a sw skin on probably which might not be too bad just no achievements or unlocks or ranks for gawd sakes :D Hate that crap.

What i would like to see tho is rebel vs empire as both being playable in the story for single player somehow. Be nice to be a stormtrooper and do missions like that and for rebels be one of them guys on hoth taking down the walkers or somit.
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Eww clone war. Personally id like bf to be during ep 4 5 and 6 like i think bf1 was based on. I think bf2 had clone war stuff in which probs is why i didnt like it.
I'm holding out for a good result and expecting this one to be good. It's the first published Star Wars title, major release anyway away from LucasArts and because of this, they need to make a good impression to the HUGE SW fanbase.

However much people slate EA/DICE, DICE actually bring a really good feel to the battlefield games, with gameplay and visuals. I'm feeling quite positive about this, even if DLC is released (which it will be).
However much people slate EA/DICE, DICE actually bring a really good feel to the battlefield games, with gameplay and visuals.

This. For all the talk about BF with a Star Wars skin, I don't see this as a bad thing.

Even a mediocre multiplayer shooter could be loads of fun.

(In my humble opinion)
Humiliating prancing Jedi kiddos with a good burst of blasters. Yes please!

BTW that video shows nothing. I'm not excited yet. I've yet to see a redux of Tie-Fighter / XWing, but you what direction it'll go. I have more hopes on Star Citizen.
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