**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Gave it a quick blast... Need to sort my control assignments but yes its looking nice :D
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Well had a play and here are my thoughts:

- UI is good, reminds me of bc 2 UI a bit, quite simple with not many options
- bf 4 style in terms of movement but nothing else is similar to bf 4, it is very different afaic
- graphics are INSANE! Really can't wait to see other maps
- sound is INSANE! First time I loaded it up, I just went wow.... this is cool
- absolutely no skill in the game, no recoil, no spread, just hold the button down (although be careful not to over heat too much....), didn't even need to zoom/ADS/scope in... so yeah this one thing alone will kill longevity for MP and unfortunately I can't see it changing given DICE dumbing down bf 4...
- performance is very good, I got everything on max except AA and in survival I am getting 60 mostly, in MP, I get mostly 60 with some dips to 44, so will need to drop a few settings, if it is anything like bf 4 and hl, even with low, I'm sure it will look great with everything on low/off except mesh for us pros :p
- seems stable to me so far....
- need to sort out some protection system/out of bounds for the teams as the first game I had, we had a few guys just sitting right behind where we spawned, spawn die spawn die spawn die :rolleyes:
- regarding the tie/x wing fighters, it is a pick up special item, I picked it up and got spawned in but controls were missed up so didn't last long, from my very brief test, it did feel very arcadey

But yeah, overall very pleased so far, however, largely because I am a massive star wars fan and they really have nailed that part.
Speaking of control assignments ...well seems it wont let me use arrow keys for soldier movement everytime I try to assign arrows it just thinks im pressing numpad 8 :( so that's me stuffed sigh
- need to sort out some protection system/out of bounds for the teams as the first game I had, we had a few guys just sitting right behind where we spawned, spawn die spawn die spawn die :rolleyes:

But yeah, overall very pleased so far, however, largely because I am a massive star wars fan and they really have nailed that part.

There will always be free kill trolls in alphas and betas where random players were invited, but DICE must squash these types of exploit quickly or the beta will not be worth playing and lord help us if this type of issue ends up in retail.

Sounds like it's fairly impressive though.

Barsteward! :p
Speaking of control assignments ...well seems it wont let me use arrow keys for soldier movement everytime I try to assign arrows it just thinks im pressing numpad 8 :( so that's me stuffed sigh

Turn NUMlock off/on?

Really enjoying this at the moment. Joined mid round and came second!

Agree that there's no spread, just the overheat to worry about which is disappointing.

Also needs to be an engineer type class, the ATAT is way OP. One player got a twenty kill streak and we couldn't do a thing. Also I haven't got any other pickups than a single thermal detonator.

Oh yes, if you die, all your barrage, ion shot and jetpack should be renewed. Screw this recharge carrying across lives crap.
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Pretty much...

Also, a few more points I forgot to add:

- regen for health is stupidly fast
- will need to play a bit more of MP like everyone else to get use to the map etc. but hoth felt very empty, could have done with 64 players!
- if you love all the gadgets in bf 4 and hl then you will love this!

*get tie fighter*


*get xwing*

Pretty much...

Also, a few more points I forgot to add:

- regen for health is stupidly fast
- will need to play a bit more of MP like everyone else to get use to the map etc. but hoth felt very empty, could have done with 64 players!
- if you love all the gadgets in bf 4 and hl then you will love this!

I've only played the single player or whatever it is called "missions" and each hand has 3 gadgets (which you can't customize). The pod when captured deploys some power ups out of which you can only take an extra one and use it once. The missions doesn't seem to have gadget spam. :confused:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this means I won't be purchasing

It's not CS, it's never going to be a streamlined ESL shooter
That doesn't mean it can't be a bit of casual fun though.


Cant link as twitch link is a bit naughty.

Forget linking to your twicth stream, streaming it at all will probably get you the ban hammer.


*get tie fighter*


*get xwing*


Is that last sound effect for the lightsabres? :confused::D
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Lets all face it.... Any Dice game is like dating a really hot girl:

* Initial online dating, she looks hot and sound ok. But you’ve been here before so don’t get too excited
* You're randomly selected to go out on a first date, its pretty awesome. You like where its headed.
* Feeling happy, you go home and start hyping up this chic to one or two of your friends
* You decide to take things a little more serious and cancel subscriptions/stop talking to other woman (games).
* Finally you're an item, you start going out on dates. Each date she seems to be getting less and less appealing, everything she's told you seems to be BS + she has these really buggy annoying habits that despite mentioning they continue to get more and more annoying
* Few weeks down the line you find yourself in a routine. Deep down you're just not happy, the relationship just doesn't feel right.... So decide to splashing extra cash out to try making the relatioship better.
* Eventually you realise she's been playing you all along, all her focus is on another game, you're left out of pocket, feeling ripped off and devastated at the amount of time you've waste on her!!
* You accept you're a sucker and just keep coming back for more and more and more explotiation by this god damn hot girl as there's nothing else out there!

Where do i pre-order Stars Wars again?
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- absolutely no skill in the game, no recoil, no spread, just hold the button down (although be careful not to over heat too much....), didn't even need to zoom/ADS/scope in... so yeah this one thing alone will kill longevity for MP and unfortunately I can't see it changing given DICE dumbing down bf 4...

Still not 100% convinced this is purely a bad thing - I'd rather have the runny-shooty feel of the older Battlefronts than a crouch-behind-cover-ADS type of game. A bit of spread wouldn't go amiss (particularly when moving), but I think the arcade feel is an important part of it (for me obviously).
Disabled SLI as that is the only workaround atm. Getting 60-70FPS on Medium preset atm with a GTX670 playing Missions but the game still looks fine at that setting. Once there is an SLI profile I expect to get the same on Ultra multiplayer so I'm happy with that as this is never going to be an ESL lets play on Low Ultra Mesh setting **cough Nexus** game. :p It is very arcadey.

Listening to the in game music and weapons on a HD600 is :D
Still not 100% convinced this is purely a bad thing - I'd rather have the runny-shooty feel of the older Battlefronts than a crouch-behind-cover-ADS type of game. A bit of spread wouldn't go amiss (particularly when moving), but I think the arcade feel is an important part of it (for me obviously).

It really is a bad thing. If there is no skill in a game then why would I play it. I mean hell, I don't play games for fun, I want to dominate the server :D If someone can blast be from the other side of the map intentionally without any mount of time in the game then it doesn't really motivate me to play it again. It's one of the reasons why I hate the quick TTK of games like COD and Hardline. Lower TTK without the netcode to back it up is noob IMO.
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There is little skill in BF4 in all honesty. It's a casual game and this will be the same.

Glad they have seemingly nailed the sounds, they're iconic and it would be a bad mistake to **** that up.
There is little skill in BF4 in all honesty. It's a casual game and this will be the same.

Glad they have seemingly nailed the sounds, they're iconic and it would be a bad mistake to **** that up.

There's a lot of skill in BF4, just look at symthic's analysis of time played vs skill (where they use a combination of SPM, KPM and log(KD) as a metric for skill).


It's just not a game that's balanced for serious e-sports.

symthic.com said:
In layman's terms: Team with more high-ranked players has bigger chances of winning.

Like with the larger data we get noticeable logarithmic function in player's improving. Judging by this, during the first few hours (<10h) player gets twice as better roughly, after which it takes ~30h to get twice as better from that.
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