**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Ah no it wasnt mine, it was someone elses through the previous broadcast. Their twitch name is a touch rude.

Completely offtopic: Did you just play in Heroes of the Storm as Falstad called GrumpyPants on Sky Temple and absolutely destroy the other team by 6 levels? If so, I was on the other team. We suspected Sonya was a bot, she just kept pinging the mercs and to retreat constantly, I was on Zera playing with a mate who was Sylvanas, we basically gave up as the other 3 were doing absolutely sweet FA. Oh the joys of matchmaking!!!!!!! :D
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Completely offtopic: Did you just play in Heroes of the Storm as Falstad called GrumpyPants on Sky Temple and absolutely destroy the other team by 6 levels? If so, I was on the other team. We suspected Sonya was a bot, she just kept pinging the mercs and to retreat constantly, I was on Zera playing with a mate who was Sylvanas, we basically gave up as the other 3 were doing absolutely sweet FA. Oh the joys of matchmaking!!!!!!! :D

Ha no no. Nothing to do with me :)
I don't want to want this game. I never played any of the Battlefield games since 2 for more than a few hours.

But its Star Wars! :D:D:D
Played a bit more and some more thoughts:

- ATAT = meet ac130 from bf 3 but on a **** load of steroids, I got 20+ kill streak in a matter of minutes.... don't try to balance it, you can't unless you make it utterly useless so it needs to go. It is a timed system kind of like the final stand gadget for the mini gun flying machine thing, lasts about the same time too, although as soon as I was kicked out, I picked up the item again which was only a few metres away from me :p
- tie fighter/xwing, got controls sorted and it is by far my least favourite part of the game, very arcadey, seems to me it is purely down to luck who wins a dogfight, hard to spot infy on the ground but when you do, you can kill them rather easily, I think the tie fighter is better overall than the xwing. Also, lock on galore :p Although, a lot of the rockets seemed to miss me, not sure if it was just from me doing some tight turns or something.... Don't know if there is a best turning speed yet but I am thinking that a controller will be much better/easier than K+M
- also, no 3d spotting, unless they have changed the button? + is it just me or are enemies not shown on the mini map???
- if you loved invisible textures in bf 4, then you are going to love this! and even better... for a few I couldn't shoot through them but the enemy could...
- netcode/hit reg. seems good enough to me, no different to bf 4 in my experience
- damage/TTK is quite high, perhaps a bit higher than bf 4
- head glitching ftw!
- no prone either? At least the default button for bf 4 and 3 isn't working! (good thing imo, never liked the addition of prone to bf 3 and 4)
- tried 3rd person view but wasn't sold on it tbh

I have yet to see a jedi on the BF.... I am dreading how OP they are going to be :/

Essentially I think the ATAT + space flight stuff should be left out of this game or kept to a separate game mode but knowing DICE, that won't change as they like to cram as much as possible into games....

I've only played the single player or whatever it is called "missions" and each hand has 3 gadgets (which you can't customize). The pod when captured deploys some power ups out of which you can only take an extra one and use it once. The missions doesn't seem to have gadget spam. :confused:

In MP, the pickups/gadgets are scattered around the map, quite a lot too, I would say at least 6 pickups for each team

For pickups and your own gadgets, you have this;

Option 1:

- the jet pack
- a grenade type of launcher
- and something else, #2, not quite sure what this does...

Option 2:

- force field, you can't fire out, not sure on this, will save your life A LOT but at the same time, it feels a bit like a cheat
- lock on mini grenade type of launcher
- a normal grenade

May have got some of those mixed up.


- smart lock on rocket launcher, does a decent bit of damage
- spacecraft/vehicles access pickups
- thermal grenade, pretty powerful
- orbital shield
- orbital strike (essentially a massive mortar storm)

From this build, I can't see any way of reviving, dropping health (not that you need it with the insta. regen) etc. and like I said earlier, no ammo, just an over heat system which varies with different guns.

Despite there being virtually no recoil and little to absolute no spread, you do need to target lead a fair bit, probably similar to BF 4 target lead with assault/support guns at long range.

Still not 100% convinced this is purely a bad thing - I'd rather have the runny-shooty feel of the older Battlefronts than a crouch-behind-cover-ADS type of game. A bit of spread wouldn't go amiss (particularly when moving), but I think the arcade feel is an important part of it (for me obviously).

It really is a bad thing. If there is no skill in a game then why would I play it. I mean hell, I don't play games for fun, I want to dominate the server :D If someone can blast be from the other side of the map intentionally without any mount of time in the game then it doesn't really motivate me to play it again. It's one of the reasons why I hate the quick TTK of games like COD and Hardline. Lower TTK without the netcode to back it up is noob IMO.

More or less what kiwi has said, I play games for fun, however, you NEED to have some skill to it otherwise they don't last long, look at every MP FPS shooter and which ones are the ones that are still very popular:

- CS
- quake
- BF (it is skilful but not to the same extent as CS or quake)

Even games like TF 2, which are a lot of fun and "casual", they still have some skill ceiling to them and due to that, they have great longevity.

Once there is an SLI profile I expect to get the same on Ultra multiplayer so I'm happy with that as this is never going to be an ESL lets play on Low Ultra Mesh setting **cough Nexus** game. :p It is very arcadey.

Get with the everything on low/off pros or GTFO! :D :p

But yeah, if I do buy this game, I won't be bothering with all on low/off, will reduce settings to keep a high FPS but apart from that, I don't think you will gain much advantage with low settings.

Overall, it is enjoyable and fun especially if you are a star wars fan... my only real concern atm is the longevity and skill ceiling.


Speaking of the mini map, it is crap, too little detail and not big enough.

Hopefully this is just a very earlier build and they have addressed a lot of this stuff in the final game....
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Done :D

My thoughts after just looking at footage would be once you strip away the Starwars brand is it still good? Basically imagine it as generic space theme, is it still good? I don't have the answer maybe someone else that's played it can say. I like that the TTK is high. Gives you a chance to dominate more with better aim.

"Don't get penisy kid"
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Generally the ones who say there is little to no skill in bf are the ones who aren't very good at it :p

I'm still waiting for their stats!

EDIT: Looking at Stu's stats he has almost no experience in vehicles which is a sizable proportion of the game. If you're looking for something which is heavy on infantry then there are far better games, like CS for instance (which I see you already play).
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I'm still waiting for their stats!

EDIT: Looking at Stu's stats he has almost no experience in vehicles which is a sizable proportion of the game. If you're looking for something which is heavy on infantry then there are far better games, like CS for instance (which I see you already play).

please share your stats
please share your stats


With 700 hours I still get a hoot when I sabot a heli from 200 meters away or RPG a fully loaded little bird. It's a little unfair to say there is no skill in the game, espically when you don't seem to have much experience with vehicles which alone can take many hours to master.
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i have 4k less vehicle kills haha :D although if i had 700+ hours put in id expect it to be that many

Yeah i dont touch vehicles much never needed too other than transport

The only vehicle that takes hours to master is the Jet

i think were hijacking the wrong thread! :D
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That's not true at all. It's a little difficult to take your comments seriously given you have very little experience with said vehicles.
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