**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

TBH I don't really go by stats for an indication as to if someone is "good" or not as you can get them high quite easily:

- camping
- vehicle whoring
- playing game modes/maps like TDM, lockers/metro 24/7


I rather go by seeing how players play in the game. If I had to choose which stats in "bf" games were the most important for when it comes to an individual player, imo they would be MVP ribbons, SPM, KPM, accuracy and skill (good stat in bf 4 but not bf 3)

Like kiwi said, shooting aircraft down across the map with tank shells etc. takes skill and that is just one of the many skilful things that you can do in this game. Once you can maintain a constant 313 speed in jets, they aren't too hard to use tbh as long as your accuracy, target lead etc. is good.

And yes, the higher TTK is a good thing, about the only skill orientated thing so far. They just need to add a lot more recoil and some more spread to the lasers now.

Don't think anyone has asked this yet... does it feel/play similar to battlefront 2? For infy play, most definitely.
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andddddddddddddddd i have no beta.. EA mongrels given access to people who probably cant even get past the menu screen!
- no prone either? At least the default button for bf 4 and 3 isn't working! (good thing imo, never liked the addition of prone to bf 3 and 4)

If you didn't like the prone (which was always in BF titles just not BC) in BF3/4 you should probably never try to play BF2. Dolphin diving was OP as hell for ages until the last patch, then it was just OP :D
If you didn't like the prone (which was always in BF titles just not BC) in BF3/4 you should probably never try to play BF2. Dolphin diving was OP as hell for ages until the last patch, then it was just OP :D

I like it in BF4 as you can use it as intended. It's not like it's any use in a firefight other than for cover.
It isn't something that really bothers me. I just felt that going from bc 2 to bf 3, it slowed the game play down + introduced more camping.

And yeah I only played BF 2 a couple of times on friends pcs and remember that dolphin diving very well :D
Loving the Alpha so far, been playing the horde mode the most (missions) in single player just tried out the multiplayer an...............wow don't spawn at base its spawn kill city.
An to make it harder the map is Hoth so you can't spot the campers straight away :(

Not hating thou as im sure some counter measures will be added in the full game........hope so
Atleast you guys can play it all i get when pressing play is this :(

tried re-installing, tried repairing still nothing so i dont know what is up.
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