Well they have a lot of work to do between now and release/beta
I still stand by my thoughts:
- ATAT is OP, can't see how they can balance this without making it utterly useless, I think the jedi's are going to be stupidly OP as well. The AC 130 ruins BF 3 and less so 4 maps and this thing is even more powerful than them....
- I don't really like the "pickup" system for vehicles etc.
- tie fighter/xwing, by far my least favourite part of the game, very arcadey, seems to me it is purely down to luck who wins a dogfight, hard to spot infy on the ground but when you do, you can kill them rather easily especially with the tie fighter
- the personal force field bubble you get needs to go
- the tie fighter is better overall than the xwing. Also, lock on galore at times... although, a lot of the rockets seemed to miss me, not sure if it was just from me doing some tight turns, getting a certain distance away from them or something.... I don't think there is a best turning speed
- not sure how I feel about no 3d spotting, it has grown to be a vital part of the bf games and been a very good thing imo, I could live without it though. However, I certainly don't like how the enemies aren't shown on the MM.
- invisible textures galore and even better... for a few I couldn't shoot through them but the enemy could...
- damage/TTK is quite high, a high TTK is good but I think it is too high atm
- head glitching
- regen for health is too fast
- sort out some protection system/out of bounds for the teams, in too many matches we had a few guys just sitting right behind where we spawned, spawn die spawn die spawn die
- they need to add a
**** load more recoil and spread to the weapons
- on that map and game mode, the rebels are utterly useless, empire is much better; get better aircraft, get the ATAT's + ATST (although that one isn't great tbh)
- also, there is no team work required at all in the sense, no revives, no need for ammo/health packs, no squad system
The biggest issue that all this leads to is longevity, if visceral had fixed the issues with hardline i.e. weapon balance, quick TTK, hit reg./netcode, I honestly think hardline would last a lot longer and be better "overall" than battlefront (at least based on this alpha anyway)
Of course, a lot could change but at the same time, with DICE/EA, a lot could stay the same...
For the beta, I hope we get this map and game mode again to see what they have done but I also hope that we get something like conquest large and a new map too.