**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

What a shame - this has all the hallmarks of something with so much potential that's going to end up falling way short. I'll reserve full judgement until the final release of course but I'm very disappointed that they've overlooked space battles (presumably because that would require them to invest some time and effort into creating something new rather than just re-purposing existing Battlefield stuff...)

Imagine a huge 64 v 64 player battle but in the style of the Endor fight from ROTJ - half of the players on each team are engaged in a space battle above the planet, the other half are on the ground; with the objectives structured in such a way that each side of the battle have to work together. The rebel ships have to hold out long enough for the troops on the ground to destroy some sort of shield generator, then the ground troops must hold out long enough for the ships to destroy the space station etc...

It's all well and good having the authentic sounds etc. and I'm sure they are great and instill a fantastic sense of nostalgia... but there was so much scope to make something really genuinely interesting and offer some great gameplay that's not just a reskin of something we've seen before 1,000 times at this point...
It all just looks very basic and user friendly, but I hope there's more to it than just a handful of weapons and vehicles. Infinite grenades and launchers with what looks to be a 8-10 second cooldown, you alone can take out all the turrets on the entire map very quickly, especially when it's a linear attack you only need to take out a few at a time.

I will miss support classes, was always fun to change the battle by playing them well instead of a kill hog. Eh hopefully there's more to it, I'll admit I do miss modding weapons etc.
Regen on health looks too quick and too soon; but keeps you in the battle without hiding behind a wall for a medic that never heals.

Might be the best star wars shooter out there to some, but it doesn't mean it's a good game compared to any other predecessor in the genre. I'm holding out to really make a decision until we see more and play more.
How do you take down an AT-AT or whatever that big walking machine is called. I'm in a tie fighter, get close and it says press 4 to deploy ties. I do that and it goes into some animation where I am wrapping it's legs with steel rope but then it says fail to deploy or something.

How do you do it correctly?

You must have been lucky Crow as there was a lot of issues with BF4 on launch. Not quite Sim City fail but close.
TBF i can't say as i haven't a problem with there games, the only difference or problem ive noticed with there games, is that the beta's or demo's don't play the same as the end product.

thats why im not even trying it. same **** different day.

how they make bf games.

make interesting idea. game plays wellish in alpha.alpha covers any excuse for bugs.they are excepted.expectations remain high.

beta- everyone dives in more bugs are noticed. you start to think this is fun but hopefully they fix the issues. media hype you buy in blindly.deep down you know you shouldnt.

release comes, hype has been real. you go in first game most things are broke. they then announce patch the game just keeps being broke. they then get it after 6 months kinda right. then listen to ronku crew make stupid decisions break the game totally.

announce next bf game even though current one is broken.

Hardline on the other hand was a very stable release, although it was released through a different dev company..
I loved my quick 60 mins earlier. It's a rush map sort of and it's really good fun. I went 50-17 at one point. Once I changed some controls to map to my Razer Orb-thingy, I was flying. The hit reg seems perfect. The sounds are amazing for anyone who likes Star Wars. The only issues are

- Only uses one card but hits 70-90fps at High
- Occasional stuttering
- No squads so spawn back and lose 30 seconds to regain ground
- Roof - or should I say - rock campers

But pls do not pre-order this. Wait until release. This is DICE... the same developers who ruined BF3 and BF4 at launch.

My two cents.

How did you get access to this!? Did you not post earlier saying you failed to get access!
Atleast you guys can play it all i get when pressing play is this :(

tried re-installing, tried repairing still nothing so i dont know what is up.

that is either a .net error or dx error......I've seen it before but for the life of me can't remember.....
Clipping everywhere nothing has changed has it DICE?

You shoot an enemy from behind a rock and you can clearly see them in your line of sight yet every blaster shot clips into an invisible wall, by which time your weapon over heats they come to attack and kill you.
Clipping everywhere nothing has changed has it DICE?

You shoot an enemy from behind a rock and you can clearly see them in your line of sight yet every blaster shot clips into an invisible wall, by which time your weapon over heats they come to attack and kill you.

As this is a test release, can you report this to them?
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