**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

There's so much I want to say here, but I think I'll have to try the beta first. That way I can be honest about the gameplay rather than relying on YT vids.

And everyone who says don't pre-order is right. Whether you like the game or not, pre-ordering is a bad thing, look at what SqEnix tried to do with Deus-Ex. By pre-ordering, you pay the most and you get hit by any day 1 issues. Even good games like MGS5 had day 1 issues, thankfully I cancelled my pre-order due to getting a free copy via the NV promotion. The pre-order bonuses didn't matter much, all people really got was a collector's edition video that rubbed in the salt about the fact that the game could have had more (and is watchable on YT). In fact, earlier this year I purchased Monster Hunter on release day (not a pre-order) after reading good reviews. It arrived the next day and even though I didn't pre-order, I got the (******) pre-order bonus.

At the very least folks, wait for reliable reviews before you buy. And not just reviews of the console version either (like Batman Arkham Knight or MGS5). Wait for PC reviews so we can find how the final game plays and if the review says it works and the reviewer is trustworthy, then feel free to buy it if you feel it's worth it.

Personally I have no intention of buying it, I have no interest in multiplayer FPS games like Battlefield or COD, though I did enjoy the original Star Wars Battlefront games. I prefer a single-player/co-op experience and this game simply doesn't offer that. All that said, there have been exceptions. I played Tribes Ascend when that released for a while and I've sunk 300+ hours into Planetside 2, possibly my favourite FPS on PC. When we've got games like Planetside 2 with hundreds of players on a map... the Battlefield games and this game look tiny in comparison.

Anyhow, if the beta changes my mind, I'll pick it up from a Steam sale, not worth £40 without space battles/single player. Now where's the link to that beta!

Edit: Ugh, I have to download/install Origin. I don't remember having to do this for Crysis 2, but then again I never bothered with multiplayer. Whelp it's downloading now. On the plus side my internet speed seems to have recovered. Now we're getting the speeds we're paying for, I'm glad for that.
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haven't preordered, looking forward to the beta to see what its like, DL has just finished.

I'll give EA the benefit of the doubt until i've tried it, really want to like this....
haven't preordered, looking forward to the beta to see what its like, DL has just finished.

I'll give EA the benefit of the doubt until i've tried it, really want to like this....

same, only thing that worries me is gameplay looks like it might get boring real fast and the melee looks so horrible but its beta so who knows, either gna be amazing or be another titanfall/evolve and be dead in 3-6 months
I cant wait to try the Beta but I'm wondering about its long term appeal at the moment. No single player and no space battles? That might get old fast.
I can only imagine how epic they could have made a single player game aswell for this
They should have scrapped this and hardline and bought us a proper polished BF5 instead.

From what I've seen I don't think i'll bother with the beta even, might read a few comments on here but thats all the time it's going to get from me.
They should have scrapped this and hardline and bought us a proper polished BF5 instead.

From what I've seen I don't think i'll bother with the beta even, might read a few comments on here but thats all the time it's going to get from me.

Why should we have another battlefield game?

Are we not worthy of playing anything else?

Personally for me after BF3 and 4 I dont want a 5th, I want something different
OMFG this game is amazing. The graphics are superb. Just been playing the single player bit and I am gobsmacked. I selected Ultra (including full AA) expecting it to chug and at 4k its sublime. After defeating 3 waves of Stormtroopers an AT ST appeared which puts up a good fight meanwhile a Star Destroyer dukes it out with a Rebel cruiser above in the sky and I running around on a craggy outcrop similiar to the Grand Canyon.

Ultra - 4k - Averaging 55fps - full game YES please !

Now going to try MP.

All I can say initial impression WOW. :D

additional: Now I am not too keen on MP and tried the droppod level and I kept getting killed all the time. Didnt like the fact everyone seemed to have jet packs too. Jet Packs in Star Wars ????? Everyone's got them only Bobba Fett should have them.

So tried the Hoth level and for first ten minutes kept getting dropped in chaotic fire fights and being killed. Spawned in middle of battles etc. Eventually I got spawned outside and I saw no one was near the shield generators and the guns were unmanned. So I jumped in the gun with the turret and by jove I blasted some Tie Fighters. Yes I know Tie Fighters and Tie Defenders on Hoth. Then lo and behold jumping up and down in the distance through the AT AT legs is Darth Vader. WTF! Yep Ol Darth is there complete with Light Sabre too. Accurate this ain't it appears ! I took down the AT AT walker with my turret gun. (also not really accurate) I had a blast.

The big 40 player battle is fun if you can stay alive long enough. The drop pod level I cant stand its full of people who seem to be better than me jet packing all over the place.

Still definitely going to buy it. Seasoned MP players may have a different opinion as I dont play much MP First Person Shooters. Very glad there are single player aspects though.
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Saw this in console
Saw this in console

mp_cheats 1

tsk tsk

yeah you are right just checked and it does say DX12Enable for the Render. Interestingly if you type it in render.DX12enable it then says

Win32 status : Failure

yet I am on Win10.

Couple of things I spotted you can assign the same key to more than one function. ie I can have DEL assigned to Jump and Crouch at the same time that needs fixing.
What was the other thing now. Oh yes I spawned on top of a gun turret but couldnt jump off!

For single player fans judging by the menu options looks like you can do the MP battles with just you and AI. eg Hoth 39 bots and you. :)
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