**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

- Invisible walls behind some rocks


They haven't listened to a single piece of feedback that I and many others give regarding OP stuff in the alpha, empire side being a lot better/more powerful etc. etc. Instead they have probably made it even worse now by adding the jedis, that sniper rifle thing etc.

This game had so much potential :(

I would also watch boogie2988's impressions video, he raises good points at the end.

They haven't listened to a single piece of feedback that I and many others give regarding OP stuff in the alpha, empire side being a lot better/more powerful etc. etc. Instead they have probably made it even worse now by adding the jedis, that sniper rifle thing etc.

This game had so much potential :(

I would also watch boogie2988's impressions video, he raises good points at the end.

early days yet but I find the Jedi's starter weapons better, seems to have a higher rof. I've been looking all over and I can't still find a way to join friends. You can see if a friend is playing on your server but no way to invite them, however servers get filled quickly so lack of server browser and dedicated servers is ruining the experience for me.

I wonder if you can join game directly from Origin. hmmm

But the cycler rifle is used a lot, most of my deaths is from that thing. Can't say if it is op or just a commonly used overall good weapon.

Edit - The In game match making is so ****. Just left a game where we had 3v6 so it doesn't even balance properly and leaves you at an unfair advantage.
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You've got to remember that people can disconnect after the matchmaking is sorted and the level is loading.

It happened during the game as people were leaving. Nice try though ;)

Also weapon animations do not match what I am seeing. I am directly underneath someone who is on top of a rocky terrain yet his weapon shows he is firing somewhere else and not at me. I promise I am not intentionally finding flaws but this is what I am experiencing. The cycler rifle thankfully is a cool down "hands" weapon also.

Edit - Screenshots incoming









Edit Again

Now there are people on my friends list playing the game I can see how to set up a party of upto 8 people and to join their games. Sweet.
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Does anyone keep getting the gme crashing and closing?

PC run BF4 all ok but wonder if the overclock is forcing the game to shutdown?
Just out of a game where a guy went 53-0...seems legit. Nobody seemed to know where he was or what he was doing either.

Looks nice but has a very spammy random feeling to it. Also why is it when you get a turret all of a sudden your mouse sensitivity goes sky high?
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Game keeps crashing for me....

CAn play hours of BF4 no problem, try single player get on the game and about 5 min stops responding.
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