**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Star Wars Battlefront's multiplayer beta runs at 900p on PlayStation 4 and 720p on Xbox One, according to a pair of online reports.

I hope the pc version is 1080p , but its a bigger download so hopefully yes :)

Lolz - Like any PC game you can set the resolution to whatever you want (within reason)

And a bigger download will probably mean higher quality graphical assets (Higher texture resolution etc) but not the resolution you set on your PC.
Why are they running it at 1.2Ghz?
To ensure that the gains you're seeing are from core scaling alone.

They are also running it at 720p to make sure GPU limitations aren't interfering.

Again, I was really mostly joking about needing to upgrade. It's just nice to see that DICE have coded the game that it actually does scale performance with more cores, particularly above 4.

If you check out the link I posted above, it shows the game running very well on a large range of hardware.
One positive, if this doesn't sell well (although I can't see it) then the price will drop fairly quickly on the key sites. Anyone know where the best deal is at the moment? I'm not adverse to flying to far flung destinations to get it.
Typical frostbite engine

- Rubberbanding
- Kill assist of 100 and yet you die
- Tiny objects should be more feared than Imperial Troopers because they can cause you damage (and no I didn't walk over a sink hole which I found out causes damage also)
- Invisible walls behind some rocks
- Can't see anyway to join on friends (Anyone know how to?)

Thank God it's 3rd person view otherwise the headglitching would drive you crazy so there is no chance of that from what I've played.

Apart from that it's a fun shooter but don't expect large levels of PTFO from random players who just want to be sharp shooters. Luckily the terrain makes it difficult for them to be bush wookies so they have to be closer to the action.
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