Well I've just come out of playing an hour of the beta. The first thing I did was start up MSI Afterburner to benchmark this game and see how well it runs. I set pretty much everything to max (though I think I turned off AA out of old habits) and got solid 60 on 1080p. I then DSR to 1440p and I still get 60fps (specs in sig). This game looks and runs beautifully. But... what matters is the gameplay. I was using a 360 controller, since the game doesn't detect DS4 on PC and DS4Windows doesn't work with my BT adaptor. I wasn't using mouse keyboard since I don't exactly have a suitable desk to comfortably play M+KB, plus my screen is very big so sitting close would mean too small a field of view.
Single-player first, it was one map with a lot of rocks nooks and crannies. You have access to all 4 weapons in the beta (no idea if there will be more in the full game) and 2 'card' loadouts. The cards are extra equipment like grenades and jump packs. Both of the loadouts had ajump pack, which was only really a diagonal forward boost. I couldn't jump up to higher ledges like I wanted to. One loadout has a grenade launcher sort of thing and a power-up that makes your blaster do AP damage. The latter was probably more useful against the 2 AT-ATs they send at you, but the middle power-ups require a pickup to use. The two side power-ups are cooldowns. The 2nd card set was the one I use the most, it had a proton torpedo launcher, which wrecks the AT-ATs (can't be used on infantry though) and a personal shield. The drop-pods also dropped a couple of power-ups, a gun turret where the transition to use the turret was a bit awkward and a shield the same as the personal shield that requires a pick-up overall. I was kinda bored with just using a single blaster and not having any grenades. Not anything I'd want to play for long. Apparently there were collectibles, I saw none.
I then tried out the multiplayer (please do keep in mind that I generally don't like multiplayer FPS). The two options was a mode to capture drop-pods and a mode for the big Hoth battle with the Walkers. I tried the former as the latter recommended I unlock stuff before trying it, single player doesn't give unlocks. Right off the bat, it seems that players only start with one blaster weapon and nothing else, the loadouts and everything require level ups and points to unlock. Points and XP are gained from matches ofc. So my first match was okayish, I didn't get many kills since I focused on the objective and got the end match award for most pods activated. I level up to level 2 and finally unlocked the grenade. I bought it and equipped and in the next match... my grenade wasn't there. So a second, longer match where I was killed a lot due to enemies I didn't see or sneaking up from out of my view. That was also how I got most of my kills, somehow this second match got me to level 3. I quit to see what the problem was with equipping the grenade, bought the cycler rifle (the sniper) which is a cooldown by the way and equipped that as my other power-up. I tried getting into a Hoth match and it couldn't find servers. It did the same with the pod drop mode.
So... my conclusion. It's fun, if only for a little while. The main weapons (the blasters) are okay and from what I played it seems like they are all side-grade, thus new players won't get owned by older players having better weapons (but they will get owned by more skillful players XD). I didn't buy any since the only non-default blaster I was interested in is the heavy blaster rifle, which seemed to be better for the single player.
However I don't like how new players start out with empty slots. No grenades or anything, all you really have is the one blaster and melee for multiplayer. And this brings me into my second point. The grenades being on cooldown is a cool thing though. There's no variety in the weapons, they all seem to have a scoped mode, except for the heavy blaster rifle which seems to not be suitable for long range. A good thing otherwise it would be overpowered. The game just seems to be bland and not very interesting to me. It seems easily repetitive and doesn't seem to offer enough variety in the loadouts. I don't like how snipers (cycler rifle) are locked by level and are a cooldown item, but then again I guess it helps the balance of the game.
Long story short, it's not worth the £40 price tag. And being an origin game.. eugh (I'm uninstalling origin after this). Even though this is just a beta and of course they won't show us anything beyond level 5, it's obvious that it's just running around shooting with different variants of blasters, with the occasional cool-down weapon. It looks nice and runs well, the environment and various aspects of the game ooze authenticity, but Battlefront 2015 is not as fun as the original 2 were. Iwon't ever be buying it, no matter how much I enjoy Star Wars. The only FPS I need are those with good single player like Far Cry and Crysis or the ones that make multiplayer fun, like Planetside 2.
That's my opinion after having played the beta. Please do keep in mind, that I'm not a fan of multiplayer FPS and while I did play with a controller, all that did was make the game a little more difficult, which I don't really have any complaints about. And with that, I'm already bored of the Star Wars Battlefront Beta. To all those naysayers... I guess you are right to be disappointed... if you are expecting this to be a stellar game. It's mediocre at best to me.