**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Was completely impartial before playing, loving it so far! Hoth is a far better game mode than the drop pod one, the randome spawns seem to ruin that mode.

If i was to make drop pod mode better, I would have it where each team spawns either side of it, not randomly behind the objective and enemy team sometimes.

All in all, looks good, plays fluidly, vehicles arent too OP, sounds and feel are spot on.

MM is a bit broken at the moment, can take a while to get into games but then i guess thats becuase theres so many people playing
Been playing this for about 6 hours now. Very fun and even more so if I can game with my friends on this.
Graphically it looks amazing although I took the details down to medium as I prefere the FPS more.
I'll give it a try tomorrow when hopefully the mad rush will have quietened down a bit. Got bored of the dropship multiplayer very quickly and can't be bothered sitting here trying to get into hoth any longer, been trying for the past 40mins or so.
Hmm, feels clunky to me. Very smooth and 60fps on Ultra no problem with a 970, but something seems off.

Having said that, been playing a lot of Destiny lately, maybe I can't use m/kb any more. :(
Not sure I like it really.
Seeing a lot of spawn camping (a lot of it is unintentional due to the spawn points), Hoth is ALWAYS won by the Imperials and the whole thing feels a bit clunky.
I didn't like it in the beginning, but now the games awesome! Love it. Some unbalancing issues, but it's a beta. It should be fixed on launch day

Titan X at stock on ultra getting near 100fps
I have now played two multiplayer games and for me I am not liking it.

Looks very good and the sounds, oh the sounds are fantastic and it's just star wars.

Then it comes to the online gameplay and my first impressions are that it is a let down. There's just something about it that makes it feel lacking, makes it feel like a basic point and click shooter. As always a lot of people pay next to no attention to the objectives and it becomes a massive cluster getting in and out of spawn areas.

I'll give it a few more matches and see if my opinion changes.
Visuals are great, but the game is boring. I've played about an 1.5 hours and already had enough of it, even Rainbow Six: Siege was better than this.
Its nicely done but feels too shallow and if I'm going to get stuck in to an FPS game I want to do it with something which has legs. I can't see this lasting much past the honeymoon for a large section of the player base regardless of DLC or support. I'm sure it will have its following though as its good fun.
Sunday night.

I've just had a quick go on drop pod or whatever it was called. Wasn't as good as I was hoping. Doesn't quite feel as smooth as it should, something a little awkward with the movement. I'm getting over 70fps on ultra so it's not that it isn't running well. Going to get stuck into it more later, I hear the other mode is more fun.
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