**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Does anyone think much will change from the Beta?

It will change but how long are you willing to wait?

This is just typical from DICE as they do it in every game they have released. Now they have psychologically manipulated consumers into thinking that a CTE is the way forward but all that is, is a glorified testing ground where you need to buy the game to test ideas.

I loved the CTE at first but DICE LA lost their focus and subsequent patches that made their way into the vanilla game made the game worse imo. If they can't get the basics right then they shouldn't even tackle advanced stuff and waste resources/time.

DICE always say "we listen to feedback", "we have learned from our mistakes", "we want to restore faith back to our customers" but that is just bull ****. If they did then whos feedback did they listen to from the Alpha testing? It was probably the casuals who is who this game is targeted towards and console gamers hence why turret and vehicle sensitivity is such a mish mash atm among other things.

However the state of the game now is WYSIWYG. It will get better but at what cost to the customer? Will the servers still be populated when they do?
I have mixed feelings. I have to run it at low settings and it looks ok, but nothing spectacular. The sounds are great and I do like the feeling of being in a large battle.
That said, I need there to be a hardcore mode as having to pump 10 rounds into someone and them still not die is incredibly frustrating - just like BF and COD games, unless you go hardcore it's just not fun.
I think it's going to take some getting used to and I'm definitely not buying it at at launch!
Tried this last night, quite enjoyed it for about 20 minutes, then found it boring.

Graphics are very nice at ultra, smooth gameplay. Good sound. Level design is 'meh'. Hoth level is unbalanced with the empire pretty much always winning. The gunplay isn't to bad, but the weapons all feel very similar to me. The biggest let down though is how shallow if felt after such a short amount of time. I was hoping for proper squads and distinct classes, similar to BF4. But its a struggle to even get on the same team as your friends. It ends up feeling like team death match with domination spawns and random players. Its not a proper team game at all, more like a bouncy castle for 6 year old's.

Darth vader and Luke are just lol. Watching them bounce across the map like loony tunes is both highly amusing and depressing at the same time.

DICE takes order from EA, they make console games that looks really nice but their gameplay is boring and has been since EA bought them.
Hardline showed them that finnaly,none plays it and it seems Battlefront is going that way to.

I want dice to make a PC game, not console games like this crap.
People already understand, its boring gameplay, has no depth, no real fun.
NOTHING will change to retail we seen that with BF4 and other games.

DICE has lost how to make gameplay fun their iconic signature and now its start biting them finnaly in the ass. dice is a lost company.
I dont get this game really.
There appear to be a lot going on but zero strategy anywhere.
It just turns into a spawn, run, hope to not die and either kill something or capture a flag and occasionally get a power up or vehicle to do something in.

The starting guns are all the same and only the sniper gun offers anything in way of actually taking things out of the run and gun mindset.

The maps come across as being too small, with objects in close proximation to each other which limits the amount of movement you can do and also creates ridiculous choke points. Ideally you would have two mini wars both outside and inside with dedicated teams equipped appropriately but the inside area they have on the beta is neither big, complex or interesting enough for any skirmishes to take place.

Really not sure whether it is worth the purchase, I feel they really need to slow the game down for it to be of any real longtime value.

and luke and vader... ****ing lol.
That said, I need there to be a hardcore mode as having to pump 10 rounds into someone and them still not die is incredibly frustrating - just like BF and COD games, unless you go hardcore it's just not fun.

If you are having to put 10 rounds into someone in bf 3/4 then your aim must be seriously bad :p Or you are using really weak weapons at medium/long range i.e. PDWs

That is pretty much the only semi-good thing about SWBF when it comes to "skill", a high TTK means people with consistently good accuracy for headshots will generally do better than those who just settle for any body shot unlike hardline where any casual can jump in, equip the k10/m416 and get "insta" kills regardless of where they hit you. Although I think the TTK in this is too high and needs to be more in line with bf 4/3
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The whole "accuracy" thing annoys me - when you shoot someone IRL you're taught to aim for the largest target and not the head. If you get shot with a bullet, I'm sure that 9 times out of 10 that person would drop :p It's always the "pr0" players that say this I notice, even though on BF4 I can get high kd/r and rarely aim for the head.

In BF4 standard mode you can put more than 10 bullets into someone easily with a machine gun and they won't go down. Hell even with a sniper bullet to the head in hardcore it can take 2 shots.....

I like a bit of "realism" to a shooter and get frustrated when you you put a load of rounds into someone and they then hide behind a rock, only for someone else to get the kill!
Jedi would have been a good idea as a 30 kill streak or something, but battlefront isnt really about the jedi side of things is it? more about the war and blowing **** up
Walker Assault Gameplay

The whole "accuracy" thing annoys me - when you shoot someone IRL you're taught to aim for the largest target and not the head. If you get shot with a bullet, I'm sure that 9 times out of 10 that person would drop :p It's always the "pr0" players that say this I notice, even though on BF4 I can get high kd/r and rarely aim for the head.

In BF4 standard mode you can put more than 10 bullets into someone easily with a machine gun and they won't go down. Hell even with a sniper bullet to the head in hardcore it can take 2 shots.....

I like a bit of "realism" to a shooter and get frustrated when you you put a load of rounds into someone and they then hide behind a rock, only for someone else to get the kill!

Then go play Arma. I guess quake, CS, COD & BF are not for you. That's not meant to be an offensive comment, just that if that is what you like, there are games for you.
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So many bugs when trying to play with a partner, this left a good impression after an hour of play, after 3 I think it's s shallow inconsistent turd.
The whole "accuracy" thing annoys me - when you shoot someone IRL you're taught to aim for the largest target and not the head. If you get shot with a bullet, I'm sure that 9 times out of 10 that person would drop :p It's always the "pr0" players that say this I notice, even though on BF4 I can get high kd/r and rarely aim for the head.

In BF4 standard mode you can put more than 10 bullets into someone easily with a machine gun and they won't go down. Hell even with a sniper bullet to the head in hardcore it can take 2 shots.....

I like a bit of "realism" to a shooter and get frustrated when you you put a load of rounds into someone and they then hide behind a rock, only for someone else to get the kill!

Difference is... this is a game :p

As already said, if you want realism then arma is the game you want.

Never had that issue in bf 4/3, I tend to use the weapons that have the highest damage per shot though.

Hardline was more enjoyable than this IMO

In all honesty, I completely agree, despite the insta TTK, op weapons, it has more of a skill ceiling to it, more team orientated and it was pretty good fun the infy play + the maps were pretty good for both design and looks. Just a shame that visceral didn't listen to the feedback and fix those first 2 points I listed as well as having the netcode improvements from BF 4 implemented on day 1 of release.

Jedi would have been a good idea as a 30 kill streak or something, but battlefront isnt really about the jedi side of things is it? more about the war and blowing **** up

So the guy who is already dominating on foot or in the vehicles can dominate even more and more easily? Sounds good! :p EDIT: It would also mean that more people would camp just to get the 30 kill streak.

Jedis should have been left out of this game completely imo, you can't add them without making them completely and utterly useless or making them OP.

Either that or just have them playable in one game mode where you can only play as jedis and not as troops or... have troops in that game mode, but as bots.
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