**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

I've just played another couple of hours tonight, and while I think gameplay might be a little on the thin side, I'm still gonna get it. I was having fun the whole time I played it, and it's still the best Star Wars game I've played in a long time.
Well I just got a surprise, Won as the Rebels on Hoth.... We took all it's HP off.

Its been about 50/50 for me tonight - possibly imperials won 1-2 more but good few the rebels won including some fairly early victories before the imperials were even half way along the map.
I reckon they changed something - not seen a single walker downed until tonight then three in a row! First rebel win I've seen!

You might be right - it was taking a lot more damage to blaster fire in the vulnerable period than I remember from before but it could also be that more people are catching on.
Can tell this is a dice game... get someone down to hardly any health then can't kill them for **** as the game has been lying to you that you are hitting them at all.

Sucks the personal shield is buggy as well - for some reason the only way I can recharge it once I've used available charges is to go back to the drop zone map and pickup charges, on the hoth map the pickup resets it to 1 charge each time and bought charges have no effect.
I personally have bought the game as i found the beta very strong (thank bloody god there is no forced website usage and i hope it stays that way for future dice games as it really detracts from the game and tbh battelog is good justaslong as it's in the game) i have personally watched what seems like thousand's of people being banned for hacking and there has definatly been some hacker's in my game's but this dosent worry me as it's a beta and all these players will be a lot more limited come release and it is not like they can just create another free account and hack again.

Few things that i really hope will be sorted is invisable wall's around at-at walkers especially and rework hero's because it seem's if a laggy person get's them they are pretty hard to kill while on the subject of ping's i dont mind not being able to see my ping or other's but i really hope that there is a max ping setting of somthing like 80 on the server or definatly under 100 as i have quite a few bad company 2 moments were i shoot them they shoot me then we both fall over dead and you cant help but roll your eye's.
I'm a big Battlefield fan but having read this thread I think my money will be going on Fallout 4 rather than this. Shame as Star Wars + Battlefield should have = win.
typical ea/dice errors, while I won't be buying it, I have enjoyed playing it for the most part.

It's been extended into tomorrow for additional testing.
I have been having some fun with this beta. I do think the lack of a server browser and how difficult it is to team up in this is going to be an issue though.

Looking at that hack vid, I'm not surprised 3rd person view is so effective when the hit boxes are so large. It's annoying that it keeps reverting to first person view on spawn.

I noticed that you tend to switch between rebel and empire forces each round (unless you are joining on someone), which means you can play a round on drop zone as a rebel to almost guarantee that you can then play walker assault as the empire. Thankfully either people are more aware, or they have tweaked the time the walkers are vulnerable to give the rebels a better chance.
I can't help feeling that once the rebels regularly have decent a wing pilots who can use their tow cables, the balance will have shifted completely towards them.

And some of those spawn points are so bad. If the empire get behind the rebels early, you can end up using their gun emplacements on their spawn points.
Do you live on a mountain?

You would think so wouldn't you? South West London with Sky Internet but I have had Sky in the past, this is plain God damn awful!

So is that down to your line being 5Km+ or some other reason?

I am not sure. It's so flaky, on a good day it performs moderately well (don't actually know what connection/service we are on). But recently it seems to degrade over some time requiring the router to be reset. Our landlord is in America and is reluctant to give us access to the router/account. I have a more beefy router in my room but it's useless without access to the account. We are going to write to him, if Virgin offer a service here......:D

EDIT - just checked, apparently Sky offer up to 17MB in our area. I would imagine a busy night, so-so service and 4 people sharing that connection is never going to end great.

EDIT - less than a mile from the exchange.
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I see the hacks are about already for this, i just dont get what satisfaction you would get from cheating?

Yeah this is why I got rid of it on the day I downloaded it , only played about 30mins and that was enough....sooo unless things get sorted out ( I know they wont )...I'll be spending my money elsewhere
I reckon they changed something - not seen a single walker downed until tonight then three in a row! First rebel win I've seen!

The first game I joined on Friday at around 4pm had both walkers downed before the first checkpoint. They haven't changed a thing, people are just getting wiser to what is exactly going on which is why you are seeing more walkers being downed.
Only way to fix this game for me would be..

40 vs 40
Ability to select vehicles at the beginning
Aim down sight

That's it really! 20 vs 20 just doesn't cut it on PC anymore. 120 vs 120 in Planetside 2 last night, what a sigh to behold it was on Ultra graphics.
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