****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

All the signs for this film are getting worse by the day. Let's face it, after the last jedi, it has nowhere to go anyway. Rey is just going to be some super cloned Mary Sue to explain how she basically woke up one day and became captain marvel. The force is female everyone :rolleyes:

This is the problem. They've completely backed themselves into a corner. The whole trilogy could have been brilliant, but the previous two films have done absolutely nothing to move the story along and as a result anything now will just be tacked on.

We're out of ideas, so instead of one star destroyer, lets have 1000. Let's also give them bigger weapons. Lets randomly bring Palpatine back with no prior hint or lead up. The whole thing is dire.

Really we should be happy for "new" things in the SW universe but oh boy was that fun visual introduction ruined by that line and it's delivery from all concerned!

I'm guessing that was meant to be a funny spot in the movie, needless to say the glass on my "emergency needle and thread for side splitting comedy" box remains unbroken.
Star-wars is full of crap moments.

Two wrongs don't make a right :s also there is the use of Tauntauns on Hoth (which is an example of making it work actually - it feels right in context). Doesn't mean that the bit in the trailer it isn't a silly scene that doesn't feel fitting to the context just like some of those scenes you mentioned would have been better removed or approached differently.

You talk about context, however you are referring to a short fee second clip in a trailer, from a scene that's in a movies still to be released. You don't know where, why or how the scene takes place.

There is no way to properly judge the context of said said. Wait till you have actually seen the movie.

At the end of the day you are talking about a movie set in a universe filled with giant space ships, aliens and people using an invisible force, which gives them powers.

So chill with the abuse shown towards the film and it's makers.

You talk like this will be the first movie you've ever seen in your life.

Almost seem to be taking it personally like you are working on the movie or something.
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Apparently...they fly now.

I guess someone didn't like Deadpool's diss about the missile back pack hah (Epic Rap Battles of History). I'd link to it but lots of swearing.

Can't say I'm that bothered about the jet packs though - throughout the range of storm troopers there are various sub-groups with special abilities.

EDIT: As someone pointed out it the flying ability isn't new - the games not being the first time either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UntEpc34PY
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They fly now?

Why would they even be surprised by this, all the tech in the SW universe and they’re surprised by something relatively basic
It's not the flying that bothers me, it's the way the launch off the bike things and the terrible line repeated by every bloody character.

I also still feel personally that Last Jedi was not a terrible movie. There are parts I liked and for the most part enjoyed.

I am hopeful that this will be a decent film, after all how can you really judge a film that's not out yet, having only seen a few minutes at most. Especially when the film is well over 2 hours long.
It's not the clip, it's the quip.

While it isn't great - didn't really realise people were taking more offence to the quip than the actual jet packs - have to say it is one of the lesser cringe-worthy things out of what I've seen so far and something personally I can get past if it is just one moment in isolation in dialogue which sadly it probably isn't based on everything else.
Still one short clip does not mean a bad movie.

I am still hopeful.

You sound just like me before TLJ.

We've got enough of a track record that Disney no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt, they have to prove that they have made a good film this time around, yet there's nothing there that convinces me. In fact, the rumour mill says otherwise if half the stories about re-shoots and poor test screenings are to be believed.
I feel like this film is going to be a remake of Return of the Jedi but without the Ewoks right down to the showdown with the Emperor while there is going to be a giant space battle boring.
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