****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Was ok, too much Disney going on throughout the film but it wrapped up the saga better than I thought it would.

7/10 from me.
Well I’m off for beer and an Indian after seeing this tomorrow so at least I know that’ll be good as unlike Disney Star Wars, the curry house we’re going to is consistent.
Wow that was...er...

So basically Abrams wanted to do a straight copy of the OT? TFA copies ATH, Johnson comes in a throws his toys out the pram, but TROS is pretty much what i think Abrams had in mind for all three films, someone finds out something about lineage and has big battle and throws someone down a shaft. Did this guy not even think evryone would say "ey oop mate, you just copied the other films ya melt!"?
I've seen a few of them.

There's one of a pyramid shaped prop that looks shockingly bad, if it's legit' Disney should be utterly ashamed of themselves. It looks like something from the 60's Dr. Who.

I read the Forbes review which said minor spoilers and whilst I mostly knew what was coming dropped a huge bomb of a spoiler in the second paragraph which really irritated me.

Off to see if tonight, expect it to be garbage so anything better than that it won't be a wasted night.
Just finished, was expecting it to be as rubbish as last one, but kinda surprised. Bit disney in places. Give it 6.5 for now until I digest stuff.
Just a thought that came to me at one point in the movie...

I am inevitable!
I am Iron Man!

The third act was very much like the Avengers Endgame third act...

Speaking to a couple of people on the way out, the general feeling went from, 'it was fine' to 'meh' to (and this is my personal favourite) 'I never thought I'd appreciate the Prequals more'
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