** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Old Harrison looks odd in that gif, he just seems so out of place. I don't see Han Solo when I look at him anymore :(

Anyone else getting that vibe? It might change when I'm actually watching the movie though!

Yep I feel the same, that why they will kill the oldies off quickly to move on. Still not as bad as fisher. Where I used to see this....

I now see the large alcoholic that looks ragged. Even in the posters and pictures all I can think of is this carrie fisher...

He jumped back a foot in the air, not kart wheels :D

Ford always looks totally cheesed off.

He still looks like...

9pm on 17th - wasn't me that booked tickets so I really hope they went for 2D as I'm really not a fan of 3D.

Last 3D film I watched was the new Avengers and I took my glasses off after the opening sequence.
That and it may have something to do with the way i went on when i booked the tickets, she asked if i would go on like that at the cinema with my friend. my answer was yes that's why im going with him.

she said we are wierd, and a little on the... erm... homosexual side. :(:p
To be fair i pitty them really, i think it is why a lot are sour puss's and walk around with a face like a smacked arse most of the day. While we are stern, hard practical people (men), we are in touch with our younger selfs. they are not. Therefore we live far happier, content people.

In short, like star wars, robots, cartoons, computer games and lego and you will forever be happy!
Yeah typical women. They don't understand the friendship men can have but they're hypocritical considering they go lingerie shopping with thier fiends and share a changing room together and see nothing strange about that. Or maybe that was a film I once saw.
Yeah typical women. They don't understand the friendship men can have but they're hypocritical considering they go lingerie shopping with thier fiends and share a changing room together and see nothing strange about that. Or maybe that was a film I once saw.

I would watch this film!

Yeah i was really looking forward to Han telling everyone "I shot first bitches!" :D
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