** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Well the press release says Lucas will be 'creative consultant'

Hopefully someone will give him a Jar Jar plushy and tell him to sit in the corner and button up.
I think an Old Republic film with new characters would probably be the best. There's a lot of material for them to draw on for carrying directly on but it would be a challenge, casting new actors as familiar characters, adapting novel plots to films (always a challenge)
Guys can we have expanded universe stuff in spoiler tags? I've read some of it but if they're going to use it for films then it would be nice to not spoil it before it's even made :p
Definitely no to CGI actors, we're heavily in the uncanny valley with Jeff Bridges.

I'd rather they just recast them, I don't see a problem with that. (cough Nathan Fillion as Solo :p)
I don't think the OT and PT are as far apart as people make out, there is a ridiculous amount of nostalgia having an effect.

They are both ridiculously cheesy and flawed trilogies. The weakest thing about Star Wars is the films imo, there is so much more in the expanded universe (books and games in particular, comics I haven't read)
People say they're old, but that's what happens to people as we age, lol. I have no problem seeing an Older Luke or Leia. We had an old guy in the originals and he was awesome, and we had an old guy kick ass in the prequels.


I think the issue people have is they're too old to continue the story if they're following the EU. They'd have to miss huge chunks of the story
I think it's sensible. It won't diminish the books at all. I'd much rather see a new story than see them struggle to adapt an extensive story from one medium to another while trying to keep both EU fans and film fans happy...that's just a recipe for disaster.

Much like the Marvel film universe is seperate from the comics.
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