** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

My god I hope these leaks are just them having a laugh. Luke dissapearing since the end of endor would mean no stories with jedi in to fill in those years. Held captive for all those years, wtf. I can't believe those plots are true, they make the expanded universe plots look like the greatest fiction ever written. I guess the 8 year old me still wants to see how awesome Luke becomes, like they did in the expanded universe. Instead it looks like we get wheeled out Terry Waite chained to a radiator for 40 years.

They should have just recast the roles and started from closer to ROTJ. New X wing if that's what it is looks pap, that has to be a Z95 or they have made an awesome ship ugly. Like looking at an 80's f1 car and then one today :D

New stormtrooper helmet looks ok, done purely for merchandising no doubt. Ah well my son will love it and that's what matters most.
I watched it as a 34 year old a few days ago, does that mean I've only got 6 more years of enjoyment before I hate it? :(


ESB is still a great film!

It's a good film, like the other 2 originals far from great films. Filled with as many flaws and terrible script and acting but I was 8 when I fell in love with them. Now when I watch them over and over again with my 5 year old, I think they are better than the prequels but not as much as people like to make out.

Star Wars and Empire are great films no matter your age. The 3 dross prequels were only good if you still needed your mum to wipe your backside.

My son's 5 and can wipe his own backside and much prefers the prequels to the originals, but that's because he was the target audience and he will be the target audience for the new ones. People need to wake up to that fact, these are going to be mass produced films to fill disney stores and toy stores with the next generation of every concievable bit of merchandise.
We'll I'm obvious not a follower of trends as I'm 7 years over and still think Empire is a great film.

And films can still be good for adults when their main audience will be youngsters as How To Train Your Dragon proves, the problem with the SW prequels was poor acting and bad storylines. In better hands, i.e. Not Lucas, they could have been so much better.
I like the 'original' Star Wars films, studied them a bit in film at Uni, really interesting films. I maintain that they're good films and as many others have said, I fell in love with them as a child after my dad introduced me to them. Really good films in fact, not perfect and certainly flawed.

They look like the three greatest films ever made when compared to the prequel films though.
Original trilogy as a 35 year old were epic. Every Christmas a star wars film or two would be on and that's what my memories are as we did not have a vhs growing up. So from that point they were perfect films.

That time has passed and these new films will be for a new bunch of kids. However I am sure there will be bits that make it enjoyable for us older folks.

You will have to go in when watching that it is for a new audience and another generation though or you will be sadly disappointed.
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