** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Exactly :p Canon was always a bit of a fuzzy term anyway when it came to Star Wars.

I don't see why lightsabers should only be green, red and blue. It doesn't impact on the universe at all having other colours.

Yeah, you won't find a bigger fan of the books than me. I have read them all up until the day they made them non canon. CBA anymore. They keep pumping them out under legends and I ignore them.

The sword is an ancient sith sword and is not a Jedi light sabre.

Friggin x wings flying low over a friggin lake. Man wood.

Yes, now that makes sense. Can tell from some photos where that comes from now.


Naga Sadow's Sith sword could be a resemblance.


Sadly none of that means **** anymore.

If it wasn't in the 6 films, Clone Wars series, The new rebels drivel or the 4 books that are currently due out canon then you might as well make up stuff yourself :(

I was hoping at the very least they would make the plaguies book canon as palpatine mentions him to anakin. Sadly not. Bane is in the clone wars series so I'm hoping they could swallow up some of the stuff eventually. I mean Maul didn't die after getting cut in two they could at least give us Boba back ;)
hmm..maybe its one of the first Jedi Knight swords then. It looks like a medieval type Knight sword.

I am just speculating but its fun to speculate.
Canon is largely irrelevant. Until they directly contradict them then they are just stories and you can enjoy them as you want. I've just finished Legacy (never got that far before) and loved them. Doesn't matter if they aren't 'real' I'm sure they'll use some things from the EU at some point so we can still talk about it as potential plot points.
Canon is largely irrelevant. Until they directly contradict them then they are just stories and you can enjoy them as you want. I've just finished Legacy (never got that far before) and loved them. Doesn't matter if they aren't 'real' I'm sure they'll use some things from the EU at some point so we can still talk about it as potential plot points.

You mean the legacy of the force series? With abeloth?
Legacy is Caedus, Abeloth is Fate of the Jedi which I'm starting next :p

Yes that's right. Trying to memory wipe it all :D They ruined Jacen, that story arc was set up for Anakin but Lucas made them kill him. Makes much more sense how they started to portray Anakin solo.

If you have watched the Clone wars series you will see where the balance to the force stuff comes from with abeloth. I was shocked they kind of made it canon the true meaning of balance to the force.
I wonder if Storm Troopers will finally be able to hit the broad side of a Barn with a Banjo in this one.


Clone troopers were 50X better. That's another thing they got right with the prequels. Despite being clones they had more personality than the Stormtroopers. I hope that changes in the new ones. Rex, Cody, Wolffe, Fives etc are awesome in the Clone stuff. Also helps they can shoot :D

Legacy is Caedus, Abeloth is Fate of the Jedi which I'm starting next :p

Between these two series of books + Darth Bane Trilogy. They are my favorite Star Wars books ever; It's a serious shame they are no longer Canon. :(
But we must move on wards and forwards with the series in general.

The Trailer, looked good. Especially the new John+Daisy's characters, look interesting.
Also liked the brief Millennium Falcon flight in atmosphere, perhaps more realistic flying going forward.. Break a leg Han Solo. ohh wait, you did... :D

And as for that light-saber. Yuck! :o
Why can't the Sith, just us conventional Single/Double Bladed light-sabers (Thinking of the Inquisitor in Rebels + New guy)

Still, I am looking forward to JJ's contributions to the series, I just wish he agree'd to work on 8 + 9...

Clone troopers were 50X better. That's another thing they got right with the prequels. Despite being clones they had more personality than the Stormtroopers. I hope that changes in the new ones. Rex, Cody, Wolffe, Fives etc are awesome in the Clone stuff. Also helps they can shoot :D

The storm troopers in 4,5 and 6 were also meant to clones weren't they? Just wondering how a Black Storm Trooper fits into this if they're meant to be based off Jango Fett. Or did the Empire just stop cloning at some point and start recruiting which would really make no sense. :confused:
The storm troopers in 4,5 and 6 were also meant to clones weren't they? Just wondering how a Black Storm Trooper fits into this if they're meant to be based off Jango Fett. Or did the Empire just stop cloning at some point and start recruiting which would really make no sense. :confused:

Depends what you read. Around a 1/4 iirc in the expanded universe where clones by the battle of yavin, with more clone templates making some others up and humans. They didn't work well with the Fett clones.

I think of them as non Human men mostly, when I was a kid I always thought they would be lizards. Like everything now it's so open to interpretation. :)
Looks fantastic! Just hope the rest of the film follows suit.

What's all this light sabre talk I'm reading?

:( looks and sounds terrible. I'll still watch it. But not much hope with that trailer.

Jesus, did someone destroy your home moon or something?
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