Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order (Respawn Entertainment)

There is a 'fix' for ultrawide displays removing the black bars from cut scenes and fixing the FOV.

Link for the file is here > Use at own risk < Load game, start fix and just adjust FOV to your preference ingame.

I stand corrected about the game, after playing it I can see why people are enjoying it. I just wish you had far more force skills.
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Unfortunately pretty disappointed overall. I don't think the graphics are as bad as some appear to, it's perfectly fine but fairly bland due to the locations. Not a single cantina/hub of busy place of any kind is disappointing. The conversations are uninvolved, pretty basic and fairly dull but mostly there is not much story and crucially missing was almost any awesome customary LucasArts cutscenes. Some short boring ones, nothing awesome.

THe scale of that tutorial/intro was so awesome, it felt totally star wars, the ships, the walkers, the industry, the grand scale we expect of basically the Star Wars universe. The rest of the game is exceptionally sparse and empty.

Then the gameplay, Kotor is great but limited fighting, pick a power and use it though so so many more powers and options available. This is more fluid but utterly lacking in the 'cool' factor. Unleashed you had stuff to pick up and throw at people, drastically better reactions from characters being pushed or pulled. I think most frustrating is that unless you fully blow someone off an edge a push or pull 90% of the time they get up immediately and the action of doing the force delays you as much as they get delayed by the result. Half the time you can't then attack before they are back up and ready to block.

It has none of the cool filmy action feel of Unleashed and none of the real RPG, story, conversation or characters of Kotor. It's a very half baked game that isn't fully into the combat nor provided much story.

It's playable but forgettable. Unleashed was a lot better and itself a fairly plain game all told, compared to Kotor... lol, not even comparable.

The most frustrating part is all the echo crap, none of it is useful, none of it is clues to hidden weapon upgrades or cool armour. Literally 10 chests provide anything at all worthwhile, every single other one of the lets call it 100 or more chests... are worthless. An RPG and not a single weapon upgrade, just cosmetics? It would literally have taken someone half a day of coding to add a variety of damage or force modifiers and combination mechanics that multiple up so you can build a more powerful force character (making them more worthwhile and fun) or a better lightsabre that say breaks block quicker.

The what should be coolest boss fights against Sith are the most boring. Just dodge dodge and wait for block to go down then get one hit and find space to heal. There was literally one 'Unleashed' moment in the entire game where in a fight you pick up an item and throw it. It was also scripted and so unexpected I had no idea what was going on as there was zero reason to believe the game would just bring that up out of nowhere.

EA are the worst now, they've had this IP for years and the old games were awesome, X-wing vs Tie fighter, the early fps versions, Kotor, all epic, everything since is cheap, half done and mostly just bad when all they needed to do was keep making newer versions of those.

EDIT:- also as someone else said, who the hell mapped dodge, crucial in this game, to Z, such that it's a nightmare to push while also moving the direction you need. AS said the moment I moved that to shift it got better but I also spent the whole game getting dodge/run mixed up. There is a reason every other game in existence for the last 10 years makes the space bar context based. Tapping and holding do different things.
About 2 hours in, not really enjoying the game tbh. Could be my old age, but I find the parkour bits hard to do and I'm absolutely rubbish at combat. I have to set the difficulty down to story telling mode for the fighting the frog like creatures. I'm playing with an Xbox controller over bluetooth and I'm getting terrible stuttering every 2 to 3 minutes which doesn't help :( I might persevere for another bit to see if I can get any better. Still have the Outer Worlds to finish which is another slog!
I need to give this more of a chance but I’m not impressed with the first couple of hours I’ve played. Combat feels like a dodgy, clunky DS clone without the satisfaction and the climbing etc has all been done before in Uncharted/Tomb Raider. There’s nothing new here, take the light sabers/Star Wars connection away and this has no depth.
So when wrote that this game looks pants I was right, even if pelted with rotten tomatoes and the old argument of the company/developer past good games.
Just watched a few gameplay videos, it just looks like an Uncharted game reskinned to Star Wars. And only three basic force powers too? No thanks, I think I'll give this one a miss for now, I'll wait until it's a tenner or a fiver.
LIterally playing force unleashed now, well the second one, the first one just crashes repeatedly and looks ridiculously dated. FU2 is just so much more fun to actually play. I think that's how star wars works, either you're a badass force user, or you have a story, lost memory and relearning the force along with mysteries and visiting cantinas and finding companions along the way, or a young one gaining experience. By the end of both Kotor's your guys are badasses.

I can't fathom how they made a game with extremely lacking story, lacking variety in enemies and almost every set piece is some kind of downhill snowboarding experience, but they let him have fully 3 whole force powers.... and create a world in which they aren't even that useful. As said Force Unleashed has a bunch of crap in every level that you can pick up and fling, of force push at, or electrify, the Fallen Order world is empty and every single item you can use the force on is some kind of gateway for the path ahead.

I still can't get over how you have 100+ crates in the world, looting them takes a stupid amount of time, they are massive and they only have cosmetic items. RPG, lol.
I need to give this more of a chance but I’m not impressed with the first couple of hours I’ve played. Combat feels like a dodgy, clunky DS clone without the satisfaction and the climbing etc has all been done before in Uncharted/Tomb Raider. There’s nothing new here, take the light sabers/Star Wars connection away and this has no depth.

Have to admit that while I claimed to enjoy most of the first few hours, I have not been back to it since.
Ok, so here's my thoughts after about 10 hours of playtime over the weekend (according to Origin) - Playing on Jedi Master difficulty.

For what it's worth, I've completed Dark Souls: Remastered multiple times inc the DLC.

On the first proper planet (after the intro/escape), I was getting my arse handed to me quite often by enemies but i'm at the stage now where the fights are much easier because of the skill unlocks - My health bar is bigger, moves are more powerful, I can force push and when running Cal now deflects blaster first back automatically. I don't think I've died recently at all to be honest. The last challenge of note was the Albino spider mini-boss on Kashyyyk, but even then I survived the battle without dying. One thing I applaud is that you don't just die if you mistime a jump as that was one of the more frustrating aspects of Dark Souls (Hello Sen's Fortress). The system they came up with to put you back just before you fell and lose a small amount of HP instead was a good compromise IMO.

I did the planets in this order so far (as far as I could)
  • Bogano.
  • Dathomir. (Night-sister planet)
  • Zeffo.
  • Kashyyyk
Because of that, I unlocked the double bladed light-saber fairly quickly - But it seems under powered compared to single blade, and has only really been useful deflecting against the Heavy Assault Storm Trooper.

I've just recently finished the first part of Kashyyyk (prison break) which was fun but I've still got the Eurogamer review in mind that after 10 hours they thought it was great and then it massively outstays it's welcome, so the honeymoon period might soon be over.

I'm playing at 2160p/Ultra on my C9 OLED with G-sync enabled, and I've not noticed any FPS slowdown, but it's certainly got those annoying loading stutters that were present from the outset. Digital Foundry identified this on their console testing:

They seem to think it's an I/O issue. I'm running on a Samsung 850 Pro SATA SSD and 32GB of Ram at 3600Mhz, but still suffering from this.

Oh, and I only just discovered that the PC version does support HDR and it makes a dramatic difference to the dark area's of the game. You have to enable it on your desktop first, and then you get a different menu screen for the graphic options with a HDR toggle and HDR brightness slider.
In SDR I was having a real issue with setting the gamma correctly. If you use the brightness slider to "barely see the symbol on the left" then it was far too dark. I ended up ignoring the brightness setup, and sticking to the default brigtness 2.0 and even then there were bits where Cal was squeezing through gaps where you can't see anything. In HDR this was completely different and so much better

TL/DR - Still enjoying it, but am conscious it could still get boring. Story not that interesting thus far.
Just watched a few gameplay videos, it just looks like an Uncharted game reskinned to Star Wars. And only three basic force powers too? No thanks, I think I'll give this one a miss for now, I'll wait until it's a tenner or a fiver.

One month sub of Origin Premiere - £15.

Its been worth that price for me so far. And i wont play it past a month anyway
I'm enjoying it. It's very God of war esque. Every small fight is satisfying. I would recommend playing with a controller though.

It looks amazing. I've been to 3 planets so far and each one has a completely different art directions. Very unique.

Worth the 15 quid I've paid for it.
I'm a decent number of hours in and I am enjoying it. Can't say that the graphics are as bad as anyone is making it, may just be the screen I am using but it looks glorious on an OLED panel.

If I had to describe the game, it is kind of like a more difficult version of tomb raider but with lightsabers instead. But I liked tomb raider, too.

The story seems good. Not the greatest, but well worth a play imo.
I'm a decent number of hours in and I am enjoying it. Can't say that the graphics are as bad as anyone is making it, may just be the screen I am using but it looks glorious on an OLED panel.

Agreed actually.

It's not the best looking game of 2019 or anything, but the environments look very nice IMO. Characters aren't as good, I thought the wookies look quite poor for instance, but on the whole - It looks decent.

(Also playing on OLED)
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