I've forgotten the names of the two twins in this. But regardless, season 2 would have been the prior goodie turned baddie one going on some extended "dark side" training but dark side for a *reason* mumbo jumbo, "I was betrayed by my former green woman master!" etc. The prior baddie but not quite goodle yet one, currently on Coruscant, would have the same but opposite. By the end of the season both will have some revelation which makes them question their respective choices, before they reunite, Manny Jacinto will turn to the light side and team up. Green Woman will be revealed as proper dark. Yoda will kick off. Darth Plageis will probably still be hiding in a crevice somewhere. Then in season 3 both jedi women and Manny Jacinto will team up to defeat green woman, one out of the two jedi women and/or Manny Jacinto will die/sacrifice themselves, etc etc etc etc, final battle between Yoda and Plaguis. The end.