Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

We definitely need some prequels to explain all of this. Oh, wait...

What a mess.

There won't be time for any battles in episode 9, there are far too many loose ends that need explaining. Hopefully they wrap up the Skywalker saga and we can all move on.
None of Star Wars makes any sense if you think about it too hard...

Why can you only have one Sith master and one apprentice?

I kinda wish that Disney would have left the OT alone and started with something fresh within the universe. I can see the current characters ending up like
the A-Team, with them helping out free some slaves from a local planet with an oppressive regime and then trying to evade capture from the First order.
Objectively the reason we have a First Order is because the intellectual property of the Empire was too valuable to just discard. It is fabulous good versus evil stuff that has permeated pop culture so deeply in the last 40 years.

So you need the Empire so you come up with the First Order aesthetically the Empire v2.0 which is what you need to marketing purposes. But you don't bother coming up with a credible reason why the Empire sorry First Order still exists. The plot was on shaky ground from the beginning because this wasn't addressed and TLJ has just doubled down on this stupid. The First Order has been laughably easy to defeat at each turn so why does it still exist?

The counter argument that we didn't know these things for the OT doesn't hold true because in the OT they were opening our eyes to World they were building, the new Trilogy however is bound by what has gone before and so can't be so cavalier. You really get the feeling the toy department is running the whole show and that any thoughts of a coherent plot or Universe are way down the list, which they could have gotten away with for TFA but the wheels fell off when they didn't address this for TLJ.
watched it again last night - i was reluctant to watch it again because i thought i would hate it (i thought it was ok/meh first time round).

It wasn't terrible, but there were a lot of terrible bits in it that annoyed me more this time.
For the most part it was just boring and nonsensical.
I think they should just let Johnson do IX. It would be fun seeing first of all how he carries it on from TLJ, and then what he yanks out of thin air to finish it. It could be the new "Plan 9 from outer space". I wouldn't pay to watch it of course, but I'd certainly read a review or watch a trailer or something, which is more than I'll do for his new trilogy.
Few hours ago it was reported that his ideas for a trilogy had been shelved... hopefully true.

Star Wars stories - Kenobi and Fett - were shelved, Johnson's trilogy and Benioff/Weiss trilogy is going ahead.

They really can't read their crowd...
Be interesting to see if Johnsons trilogy still goes ahead if IX is met with the same response as Solo.

Sadly, I imagine a lot of cinema goers will just see the Star Wars brand and still head along anyway.
I'm guessing his trilogy will largely centre around having Harry Potter levels of magic / Force ('cos it's the same thing) and lots of funny creatures falling over. There'll be strong righteous women beating evil weak men, gay robots, cross dressing vegetables, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a some smurfs in a genre crossover twist at the end.
Star Wars stories - Kenobi and Fett - were shelved, Johnson's trilogy and Benioff/Weiss trilogy is going ahead.

They really can't read their crowd...

fine by me, they were crap ideas.
I'm bored by all the 'hey remember this!?!?!' SW stuff around - its bland, tedious and doesn't add anything to the universe.
fine by me, they were crap ideas.
I'm bored by all the 'hey remember this!?!?!' SW stuff around - its bland, tedious and doesn't add anything to the universe.

That might be the case for a Boba Fett movie, but a Kenobi movie could be interesting as his story arc goes from the first movie (tpm) through the original trilogy to an extent.
Star Wars stories - Kenobi and Fett - were shelved, Johnson's trilogy and Benioff/Weiss trilogy is going ahead.

They really can't read their crowd...

Obviously, it's the male lead characters that are toxic to the Star Wars universe. Time to write a script for Princess Leia's childhood years.
fine by me, they were crap ideas.
I'm bored by all the 'hey remember this!?!?!' SW stuff around - its bland, tedious and doesn't add anything to the universe.

Yeah man, who wants to learn more about the background of the most important and revered Star Wars characters? I hope they do a origins story on Jar Jar Binks instead!!!!

Yeah man, who wants to learn more about the background of the most important and revered Star Wars characters? I hope they do a origins story on Jar Jar Binks instead!!!!


we know all we need to know about those characters - adding more diminishes them.
Do something new, expand the universe, actually write something good, now there's a novel thought.
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