No one ever learns. First is was Bioware with their ME3 ending debacle, which was more about how they handled it rather than the actual ending (since "artistically" it could be argued it was the only way to go, but their approach to fans was not how to go about it). Then came Lucasfilm and Last Jedi. Doctor Who hasn't reached that level, so pluses to them, but I doubt it'll take long.
Really? There is a lot of fair criticism of this film but.....
A) those comments were clearly not aimed at you or people who just 'didn't like the film'
They used those terms on everyone. They didn't care they put valid criticism into the mix too for using this attitude and approach. I'm fairly certain someone better at looking up data can find all the necessary info to show that this point might have been the intention they were going for, but it certainly wasn't the result.
B) they were quite rightly aimed at the people who made it their mission to harass Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dean and Daisy Ridley until they left the internet and them claim victory when they closed their social media accounts. Those people were quite accurately described as sexist, racist and misogynist their behaviour is completely unacceptable. It is fair to say the only female actor that didn't get inundated with abuse after the release of this film was Carrie Fisher.
I am happy to debate bad writing and production, this film clearly had issues which I have pointed out myself but this is a bit far don't you think?
Sure, aiming it at only that lot of ingrates, sure.
But everyone else with valid concerns? Which they HAVE done? And then their followers/disciples following suit and attacking everyone else with valid concerns and trying to silence them for not worshipiing the crap that they just poopped out? Sorry, but no. It doesn't matter what you "originally intended", since you can easily be lying to save your own skin (which seems to be the case). But the actual actions that count, just like how you deal with any normal relationship with people. And they had 12 months to try and do something about that. But instead they just stuck their heads into the sand and began to double down on burning more bridges and using a scorched earth policy, hoping that it will be the end of it. But we all know where the franchise is now don't we?
What was once the unassailable movie of ANY year, where everyone moved their movies out of the way because they knew they would get slaughtered. Is now being taken on by films, whilst good, that really would never had dared to even get anywhere close to a Star Wars film release. Much less now competing on their time tables. The only way this could have happened was near impossible. But somehow it has been done.