Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

Im predicting now.. :p

Luke turns to the dark side and Rey and Kylo have to defeat him.....

Then last film Rey "kenobi" and Kylo solo vs Snope.

Whatever happens it will be a cheap copy of ESB and the final battle will be the Hoth Battle. So back to front.
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I’m still calling that Luke is Kylo’s father (and that Leia is not Kylo’s mother) - you can all bow to me when this turns out to be correct. If it’s not correct, nobody may mention this again :D
Wasn't there gray jedi? Who were light and dark?
I think I read it somewhere so it would make sense if luke was the last jedi and these two are the new wave. Just watching that trailer she says she sees light,dark and something else. I'm putting my money on that!
Well, stranger things have happened in the SW saga. Who'd've thought that Darth Vader would be Luke's father 40 years ago & that Leia was Luke's sister 6 years later. Like father like son as they say. ;):p

Well it's been hinted in the Bloodline book (and is highly logical! ;)) that Leia unknowingly tapped into the dark side to find the strength to strangle Jabba the Hutt since normally it's hard to kill a Hutt let alone strangle one to death! They're a whole tree of bad apples the Skywalker lot, wouldn't want that family moving in next door :p
If he does turn out to be evil I truly hope he doesn't do a Vader and decides to be all nice just as he's dying and saves Rey from the bad people.
It's kind of already been done
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