Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

I'm normally indifferent to live action remakes however the thought of a live action Lilo & Stitch doesn't remotely appeal but I have a lot of L&S bias as my username shows :D With that said - I haven't seen a remake that resonated to me like the originals yet.

It's a near perfect movie, both light hearted and heart wrenchingly deep depending on your mood when watching. Some nice little nods to classic sci-fi throughout and one of the latter movies to have traditional style animation before it all went heavily CG/3D (nothing wrong with that, just miss the older style)

They better cast Rhames as the social worker at least.
For those unwilling to Google a story, I spent the 10 seconds it took for you, although I dio genuinely find it strange that they were unwilling to even look at this story when threads about fan reactions to altering the skin colour of a character/actor in films is normally a topic they would post on -

All of this, from what I've seen, comes from just a handful of initial tweets from random folks (less than 10) with tiny twitter accounts i.e. not popular or heavily followed etc, saying this sort of thing quoted below. However, now the media have highlighted this by inflating a few insignificant tweets into a race-hate storm, they'll be able to sit back now for the post click-bait advertising money they know they'll get sadly -

“Not being Indigenous or from a PoC community, it may not be easy to see a problem with this casting, but within our communities this is a big issue,” one person tweeted. “Nani is Indigenous Hawaiian with strong features and dark skin, this casting is blatant colorism.”

"Listen, she's probably a lovely woman but I can't help but feel disappointed. I wanted Nani to look like me."
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For those unwilling to Google a story, I spent the 10 seconds it took for you, although I dio genuinely find it strange that they were unwilling to even look at this story when threads about fan reactions to altering the skin colour of a character/actor in films is normally a topic they would post on -

All of this, from what I've seen, comes from just a handful of initial tweets from random folks (less than 10) with tiny twitter accounts i.e. not popular or heavily followed etc, saying this sort of thing quoted below. However, now the media have highlighted this by inflating a few insignificant tweets into a race-hate storm, they'll be able to sit back now for the post click-bait advertising money they know they'll get sadly -
Well to give you credit, at least you do realise that less than 10 people moaning on twitter isn't news worthy.

Clickbait gotta keep clickbaiting.
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Well to give you credit, at least you do realise that less than 10 people moaning on twitter isn't news worthy.

Clickbait gotta keep clickbaiting.

I have to ask. Why havent our resident 'They cant change races in films' lot not got a 50 page thread on this yet?

'Theyve ruined another childhood film now'
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It’s almost as if there’s a vocal minority intent on trashing everything Disney announce regardless of evidence, facts or any sense of reality :rolleyes:
Not surprised about Strange Worlds, that film got almost no advertising. I didn't even hear about it until after release when people were saying it wasn't selling well lol. Lightyear I still haven't got round to, I like Toy Story but not sure I care about a 'real' Buzz film.
Not surprised about Strange Worlds, that film got almost no advertising. I didn't even hear about it until after release when people were saying it wasn't selling well lol. Lightyear I still haven't got round to, I like Toy Story but not sure I care about a 'real' Buzz film.
They spent half the production budget on marketing 90Million
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