Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Here’s a good vid summary of where Disney is falling short.

It’s not because of pandering to ‘political ideals’, although that definitely can be grating, it’s mostly down to a lack of originality and fresh content (and collaterally an over-reliance and what we’ve already seen).

I do find myself always broadly agreeing with Doug, he’s great. His point on “who can be excited for the MCU after they already released a film called Endgame?” is spot on, as is his point that diversity doesn’t have to be bad when it’s organic with good stories and characters (Encanto, Coco, Soul etc).

But yeah, who can possibly be excited about the upcoming Pixar film, “Elemental”:

Yawn. Reminds me of this Family Guy skit:

:o :D
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It does seem incredibly odd that a universe with such a breadth of adoptable 'non'-canon works gets demoted to rehashing old ground constantly because that's 'less risky', they could so very easily do something with the Infinite Empire or the Yuuzhon Vong... but nope because it means actually having to make an effort beyond trying to pluck the nostalgia strings of seasoned fans whilst pointlessly trying to create new ones through gimmicky, disrespectful pandering.

The problem of course is that they want the profit now, content be damned and for a multi-billion dollar company nothing short of a billion in sales is going to work out because investors want a return.

Might be less of a problem to just let it die honestly.
Its boring because the universe is boring and is designed for 8-14year olds who yip and hola about lasers missing everyone.

Andor was the closest it came to being interesting.
I'm sure that movie will be fine but when I saw the trailer I thought it looked like basically the same as "Inside Out".

Or Zootopia.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with it but the whole ‘overcome differences and get along better together’ thing is simply a bit stale now. Revisiting it on the basis of ‘Elements’ just feels a bit desperate. You could replace it with…. materials used in manufacturing… ingredients in a recipe. Anything. Blergh.

“Disney Presents… Deh Derrrrrh! Starring Rob Schneider! Living as a derrr, he’s about to figure out that derrr duh derrrhhh isn’t as easy as it looks! Deh dehhhh deerrrr, duh derrr! Deh Derrrrh! Coming this fall.”
Ignoring the fact that it will be trained on the work of those very screenwriters? :p
Going a bit off topic, but that is actually one of the Guild's demands this time round! As well as pay and bigger cut of streaming money, they want a guarantee the writer's past works won't be used to feed GPT style models that could one day replace them.

So the guy that correctly broke Ali as Blade and Majors as Kang came out over the weekend and said Reed Richards will be played by, wait for it, Adam Driver......
Ignoring the fact that it will be trained on the work of those very screenwriters? :p

Exactly, AI chat bots can't produce anything original, it sounds like you're talking to real human, because the AI is plagiarising the work of real humans and presenting it back to them in a way that's somewhat convincing.
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Exactly, AI chat bots can't produce anything original, it sounds like you're talking to real human, because the AI is plagiarising the work of real humans and presenting it back to them in a way that's somewhat convincing.
That’s one of the demands in the current writers strike. No feeding AI any previous scripts.
We've been rehashing millennia old stories and I can't really say modern 'art' isn't something a machine wouldn't have pooped out accidentally, there's very little original work nowadays.
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I have a feeling that there is someone (or many) in Hollywood right now feverishly generating AI scripts as fast as possible and then they'll try and find some naive, green writer who will happily claim that they're their incredible artistic vision / hard work - for a suitable fee and under a strict NDA, of course.
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