Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

The majority of people don't care who is the lead, what sex/gender they are or what colour they are as long as the writing, acting and production is good. Those that do care are a very vocal minority who always, without fail, blame 'wokeness' on failures rather than the bland story-telling, ropey CGI, poor production and lack of quality in the productions which is, IMO, the main reason for the MCU and Star Wars 'failures', and I use the word lightly because they're not really failures, they're just not performing as hoped and expected.
the problem is that a good story doesn't seem to be their priority - you can make a good story with any character you like, but they aren't doing that.
the problem is that a good story doesn't seem to be their priority - you can make a good story with any character you like, but they aren't doing that.
Well, I'm not sure they're writing bad stuff on purpose, but there is a lot of pressure to keep something Star Wars or Marvel showing every few weeks to keep the subscribers subscribed. I suspect it is this that is leading to such poor series rather than this conceived woke-led agenda some seem to think Disney has.
Well, I'm not sure they're writing bad stuff on purpose, but there is a lot of pressure to keep something Star Wars or Marvel showing every few weeks to keep the subscribers subscribed. I suspect it is this that is leading to such poor series rather than this conceived woke-led agenda some seem to think Disney has.
well they certainly dont seem to pay writers well if the strikers are correct - maybe they just can't attract good ones.
Maybe there just aren't that many good writers interested in the material.
looks at the leaked photos and the leaked Snowwhite script.

Yeah problem definitely ain’t woke.

I believe there is now 3 lawsuits against Disney around their streaming service.

This is now also breaking. This is going to get nasty. Can 100% bet they are trying to raise the prices for normal paid TV viewers. There has been an upstick in normal TV viewing and a downfall for all these streaming services.

looks at the leaked photos and the leaked Snowwhite script.

Yeah problem definitely ain’t woke.

I believe there is now 3 lawsuits against Disney around their streaming service.

This is now also breaking. This is going to get nasty. Can 100% bet they are trying to raise the prices for normal paid TV viewers. There has been an upstick in normal TV viewing and a downfall for all these streaming services.

Carriage fee disputes are relatively common. It’s even happened in the UK with Sky and Discovery and a good decade or more ago with UKTV channels too. They’ll eventually come to an agreement.
I stopped part way through my Netflix Marvel binge ealier in the year and having eaten my way though most of my current list I've restarted at season 2 of Daredevil. Oh my gosh, the contrast with the Phase 4 TV shows is stark. In She Hulk we are constantly told "Jen your Ace" " Wow what a great attorney you are Jen". She then loses here first serious case we're shown in 2 seconds flat on the most blindingly obvious legal point. Daredevil has Matt and Foggy defend themselves from the DA using reasoned arguments that call back to previous plot points in previous episodes to make an intelligent an coherent defense. One tells us but doesn't show and stinks. The other shows us but doesn't tell and is brilliant.

The MCU is losing its way because the writing is increasingly rubbish and you only have to look back a few years to see the comparison.
I stopped part way through my Netflix Marvel binge ealier in the year and having eaten my way though most of my current list I've restarted at season 2 of Daredevil. Oh my gosh, the contrast with the Phase 4 TV shows is stark. In She Hulk we are constantly told "Jen your Ace" " Wow what a great attorney you are Jen". She then loses here first serious case we're shown in 2 seconds flat on the most blindingly obvious legal point. Daredevil has Matt and Foggy defend themselves from the DA using reasoned arguments that call back to previous plot points in previous episodes to make an intelligent an coherent defense. One tells us but doesn't show and stinks. The other shows us but doesn't tell and is brilliant.

The MCU is losing its way because the writing is increasingly rubbish and you only have to look back a few years to see the comparison.
A YouTuber I like to watch, did a detailed breakdown between black widows interrogation scenes in the Avengers vs the black widow film.

Night and day in terms of writing quality. The entire interrogation scene in the black widow film is nonsensical.

In the avengers she actually uses wit and cunning to get the information she wants, paired with some good acting by the character black widow and scar Jo herself. In the black widow film she makes fun of him by calling pathetic and saying he is nothing (I wonder if there is any reason for that, nah I’m thinking to much into it ;)) till he gets soo upset that he tells her everything she wants to know because he is trying to impress her???

For anyone who is curious the video is one marvellous scene - The Loki interrogation by mooler (this is his second channel, the main channel is mauler). I can’t post it because he does drop a few f bombs. This is the shortest video he’s ever done at 20 minutes, so it will probably be the only video of his you will ever watch. (This video is an extract from a 4 hour break down of black widow so yeah short for his standards). I know some people are scared of anyone who does a detailed breakdown of movies because they are “right wing” but he doesn’t bite. Sort of. :cry:

That video makes me want to go back and rewatch the earlier phases of the MCU. I wonder how much detail I’ve missed in scenes and, with what I know now, how much more I can appreciate the work the writers did.
Hah anyone getting Disney plus ads and offers? 3 months for 3 quid? First offer I’ve seen since it went live?
Last Jedi sucked

There is some excellent stuff on there outside of MCU/SW tbh - Mr Inbetween is worth a months sub alone.
Yeah I was a paying customer when the service was called Disney life. The back catalogue of Fox is also good but I would rather sail the 7 seas.

Or if something is really good then buy it on home media.
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Yeah I was a paying customer when the service was called Disney life. The back catalogue of Fox is also good but I would rather sail the 7 seas.
Fair enough, I wouldn't ever pay the full price personally all the time, I grab a cheap sub once a year, it's a good staple to have for my 6 year old. It's a bit like Netflix, it's not good enough to maintain all year round at full price but worth dipping in every now and then if you did have to pay the full whack.
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Yeah, to the surprise of no one (apart from a few posters around here) critics have been paid to give positive reviews for years. Its only those nasty youtubers who play to their audiences for money though...


recruiting obscure, often self-published critics who are nevertheless part of the pool tracked by Rotten Tomatoes. In another break from standard practice, several critics say, Bunker 15 pays them $50 or more for each review. (These payments are not typically disclosed, and Rotten Tomatoes says it prohibits “reviewing based on a financial incentive.”)
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