Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Critics that nobody has heard of or pays any attention to.

Not journalists working for well known papers and magazines, which are the reviews people cite in posts.
And? You'll often quote post the rt critic score as if its gospel - its not worth the time of day as scores are bought and paid for!!
:D Forbes saying they think Marvel is in a worse state than Starwars . How the **** did that happen hah


Not journalists working for well known papers and magazines, which are the reviews people cite in posts.....................

..............who only write reviews that their paying customers will like, making them worthless as an unbiased reviewer i.e. The Guardian will never give a "right wing" film a positive rating in the same way Fox would never give a "left wing" film a positive one.

Lets be very blunt here - the "official" media reviewers on both sides whose reviews people want us to fawn over are just as biased as any other reviewer in print/media/YT etc and none can be trusted to give an honest review if that review would annoy their paying customers. The only ones who could attempt to be unbiased are either those who don't have a monetary incentive to produce reviews for one particular audience subset, or those who don't care about attempting to please people in the first place and finding those folks is very hard to do.
..............who only write reviews that their paying customers will like, making them worthless as an unbiased reviewer i.e. The Guardian will never give a "right wing" film a positive rating in the same way Fox would never give a "left wing" film a positive one.

Thats not honest on the Guardian reviews. If a film is good they will give it a good review. Fox though, no they are too biased.
The SW movies were not up to the old ones, but the series are really good and do capture the feel of the originals.

What needs to be done is obvious, ditch the crew behind the movies and promote the others. The sequel movies are full of bad characters.

The Marvel stuff has just got silly TBH.
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Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will “quiet the noise” in a culture warthat has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate, according to an analyst note on Wednesday.


Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will “quiet the noise” in a culture warthat has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate, according to an analyst note on Wednesday.

The social conservatives started it :p
Not sure which thread to pick so I post here. The last time I posted viewing numbers it didn’t go down to well.

Starwars is dead! Dead dead dead!

Nielsen coming out and backing up what we already knew. Complete failure in the main market. “Andor number”

Show will probably pick up towards the final like most shows.

Not sure which thread to pick so I post here. The last time I posted viewing numbers it didn’t go down to well.

Starwars is dead! Dead dead dead!

Nielsen coming out and backing up what we already knew. Complete failure in the main market. “Andor number”

Show will probably pick up towards the final like most shows.

A shame as Ashoka is actually really good.

I've always thought Disney over paid for star wars, I think they believed there was a much bigger market for star wars than their ultimately is. I think it's quite hard to grow an adult audience, had star wars been released in modern day with modern day effects I'm not convinced it would have the same effect as it did in the 70's and 80's.

The new Star wars trilogy was ruined because different directors **** each of the films and started to go their own way.

The first film was good laying the bed for 2 & 3 but then 2 &3 just went a bit silly I suppose and failed at tying things in and some bits moved at too fast a pace and others were slow meaning there was a disjointedness to the film's. (Also I want to note how **** poor mark Hamill is at acting)

Solo tanked as a film, it just failed on every level to put depth and back story to han solo, an awful film.

Rogue one was excellent, and all subsequent new films should have been at least as good as this.

Andor is awful, just couldn't get into it, I don't agree with the hype.

Mandalorian, oni wan kenobi, Ashoka are all excellent series though imo. Book of bonna fett quite slow and boring best episode's were when mandalorian and grogu featured in them...

Marvel films, well their for a captive audience, they are never going to be realistic. One of the issues is trying to get all the different films to tie into each other, yet all directed by different people, with their own ideas and thoughts, it's just a bit messy and probably affects the storyline of the film as it needs to tie into something face value they probably offer what the audience wants, and ultimately marvel movies they will try and aim for adult audience but really at the end of the day it's mostly kids like my boy who are going to be proper into it, and the toy franchises that come out of these films is probably the most lucrative more so than the film's themselves.

Budgets aswell play a big part, the budgets for these movies are huge which I think overwhelms the directors, it's like they spend it because they can, when really if they had greater restrictions they would likely be more creative to get their vision and a better product would result.

Sorry for rambling, I'm sure there is a lot to disagree with in my comments
It doesn't really matter how many people watch the show on a subscriber service. What matters is how many subscribers remain, how many leave and how many sign up or renew. It's not like viewers=advertising like a normal broadcast show is it?
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