Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Isn't realising something is **** and trying to fix it a good thing?
Yes, but not when you've started filming the series already. Maybe if they delayed the release, canned what they've filmed and went straight back to the drawing board, it could be a good thing.

But right now, this is a salvage operation and the odds are tremendously stacked against the crew (New writers).
lol Gold, pure gold.

Howard and Lucas’s wife dog piling on The sequel trilogy!
“They didn’t know what a Jedi Knight was all about”

It'd seen this mentioned before but couldn't find a none paywalled version of it to share but a $218 BILLION drop in its share price since 2021 is shocking and, more concerningly, the markets aren't buying at this low price which makes me think they believe it'll drop even lower in the future, ouch!

It'd seen this mentioned before but couldn't find a none paywalled version of it to share but a $218 BILLION drop in its share price since 2021 is shocking and, more concerningly, the markets aren't buying at this low price which makes me think they believe it'll drop even lower in the future, ouch!

They have lost their way somewhat.

Not sure what's happened but since COVID they just seem to have lost creativeness, maybe the talents just not there but they've pretty much made a hash of everything they've released.
Lost their way is how I'd describe them too.

I personally am just so sick and tired of hearing about anything MCU at this point (the recent news of stopping limited series in favour of multi-season shows?! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!), and the live action versions of all the old animated movies are just completely unnecessary, bring absolutely nothing to the table while sometimes worse, being rushed hack jobs. Seems like a lot of big companies these days just love dragging their old, beloved IPs through the mud.
The MCU is fine, its just the majority of the films story`s has been absolutely pathetic. We know the actors are capable (mostly)
Seems like a lot of big companies these days just love dragging their old, beloved IPs through the mud.

I wonder if there's "term limits" with the Rights to a lot of these i.e. if you don't make something within XYZ years the rights to the material go to someone else etc which might be why studios feel the need to push "anything" out regardless of quality at times?
I wonder if there's "term limits" with the Rights to a lot of these i.e. if you don't make something within XYZ years the rights to the material go to someone else etc which might be why studios feel the need to push "anything" out regardless of quality at times?
there was with both spiderman and hulk, although Hulk is back with Disney now I believe - although some wierdness with distribution rights.
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I liked Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, Wanda Vision (eventually) and Moon Knight.

Star Wars wise, I enjoyed Mando, Fett and especially Andor.

Hope Disney can sort it, as I'd rather have these things than not, even if some of the stuff they do is pretty diabolical (She hulk - looking at you)
S2 of Daredevil with the Punisher parts was excellent, the rest of it I found pretty dull, they somehow made Elektra kind of boring - the first season is my favourite of the Netflix Marvel attempts however.

Jessica Jones/Punisher S1 is my joint 2nd favourite, JJ gets an unfair amount of flak I find.
Agents of Shield for me. Just clicked with me.
Really gets going after season 1. Genuinely one of my favourite TV shows ever. The last season notwithstanding as that was awful.

Season 4 with the Framework is some of the best TV I've watched. The Mrs was in floods of tears at one point and stoic as I am, I nearly even shed one
when Mac's daughter was alive in the framework and he had to make the decision to leave her as he knew it wasn't real. Holy moly was that deep. John Hannah going out with a... got me too.
Really gets going after season 1. Genuinely one of my favourite TV shows ever. The last season notwithstanding as that was awful.

Season 4 with the Framework is some of the best TV I've watched. The Mrs was in floods of tears at one point and stoic as I am, I nearly even shed one
when Mac's daughter was alive in the framework and he had to make the decision to leave her as he knew it wasn't real. Holy moly was that deep. John Hannah going out with a... got me too.
AoS wasn't just great Sci-fi or Comic book/Superhero TV, it was good TV period. One of my favourite shows and like you Season 4 was it's absolute peak.
Really gets going after season 1. Genuinely one of my favourite TV shows ever.
I should revisit, I really liked S1 - absolutely got it's hooks in me - couldn't get on with the 2nd season at all - managed 5 or 6 episodes but never kept my attention, I was just flat out bored with it.

Could I just watch a S2 recap and jump to S3?
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